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Dropzone Reviews posted by tinfoil

  1. I am very impressed with this dropzone to say the least. Very comfortable and relaxed, it has that small town atmosphere.

    It has many great coaches that want to see you improve and will help you any way they can. The other skydivers are friendly to everyone, and help you with the sport.

    The DZO's have helped any way they can, they are an invaluable resource. And I have the highest respect for them, they are always thinking of the student’s safety. They are very accommodating, and really do a lot to make everything work smoothly.

    For non skydivers one of Ontario's best party towns is less then 5 min away, Grand Bend.

    At the time of this writing, the DZ did have a single C182 (with another aircraft in the works). But it doesn’t seem to be that big of a problem, everyone works together so everyone has a good time.