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Posts posted by Sourpuss

  1. SkyDekker


    If Mexican-American students wearing Mexican flags would cause fights to break out with European-American students, then should Mexican flags be banned?


    Are you sure you want to take that position?

    Because that policy would mean that anytime violence results from someone's display of something, then that display could be banned. And people would use that position to start violence just as an excuse to prohibit things they don't like. the next thing you know, everything is forbidden, and no one is allowed to express anything. There goes the 1st Amendment.

    The way it should work is this: Free Speech guarantees that people are going to say and do things which offend you. Get over it. Be tolerant and respectful of others, because you'll want the same for yourself.

    Ah hell, that'll never work...

  2. Andy9o8


    Los Angeles lawyer William Becker, who sued on behalf of the parents, called the court’s decision a victory for “bullies” and a defeat for free speech. “This opens the door for a school to suppress any viewpoints that are opposed by a band of vocal and violent bullies,” he said.

    I personally find that to be a very compelling argument.

    Yes indeed. What are the school officials going to do about all the fights that break out between opposing fans at high school football games? Ban football?

  3. JohnnyMarko

    I like the motorcycle one...serves him right

    It doesn't "serve right" anyone who dies in an accident doing something risky. Least that phrase be used against all skydivers who die in skydiving accidents. It's still a tragedy.

  4. jclalor

    ***Will Latino students be forbidden to wear a Mexican flag on American Independence Day?

    do you know the definition of "Latino"?

    Okay, call them Mexican-Americans.

    Now, back to the question. If Mexican-American students wearing Mexican flags would cause fights to break out with European-American students, then should Mexican flags be banned?