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Posts posted by nachomasterCR

  1. hey guys, just wanted to introduce myself. 23 year old trying to get into the skydiving world.

    so far i have done 3 tandem jumps and 1 solo. im doing a Tandem AFF course so the first 3 levels were all about learning to fly the canopy and body position. my solo was a complete mess, no arch, horrible body position, spun around all the way from 11,000 to 7,000 when my instructor managed to get me semi-stable and pulled for me.

    it's obvious i failed and it's got me a little discouraged. during the jump i could feel my intructor shaking my hip which is a signal to arch and i could swear i did arch, but then we looked at the video it's obvious i didnt...

    so yeah, first solo a complete fail... i guess it happens to some people. i wont be able to jump until the 30th (i know its a lot of time but its outside my control) so at least i have a lot of time to re-watch the video and practice a lot!

    anyway, nice to be part of this forum!