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Posts posted by bluheelrtx

  1. I spent the first half of September riding from Texas to Montana and back. 13 states, 4300 miles, 16 days. There were lots of oblivious drivers trying to kill us in most of those states, but I have never experienced anything like Montana before. It honestly felt like one continuous game of chicken - like the cages were seriously trying to kill us. Amazing.

    Other than that, it was one of the best rides I have ever done. :-)

  2. Quote


    I would hope that my true friends and family could care less what some jerk says or thinks about me after I'm gone. That's the beauty of real relationships with quality people who value those relationships. If they are bothered by it, then they never really knew me anyway.

    So if one of your friends or family members died or was killed and you knew people were talking shit about them after their death it wouldn't bother you?

    It might annoy me, but I would not let it really get to me. The important thing is that it does not change the relationship I had with them while they were alive.

  3. I would hope that my true friends and family could care less what some jerk says or thinks about me after I'm gone. That's the beauty of real relationships with quality people who value those relationships. If they are bothered by it, then they never really knew me anyway.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  4. Quote

    As to why his motorvehicle insurance didn't cover his truck is a question? Unless, like prior discussions here, he was one of the irresponsible uninsured motorists. In regards to the grass, etc, he may be overwhelmed with caring for the place. Empathize with him in regards to how difficult it can be to maintain a yard, and ask him if he would like a little help one weekend and offer your services.

    Bingo! HOA's don't make valuable homes, just expensive property. Good neighbors make valuable homes. It goes both ways.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  5. I have never had any use for Apple products before. I don't even own a smart phone or have any intention of ever owning one.

    I bought my iPad (32GB w/3G) as a a tool, not a full fledged computer. I just got back from a 4300 mile, 18 day motorcycle trip and I have to say that it is the single most useful tool I have ever travelled with.

    My fiancé was skeptical, but wound up loving it even more than me, I think.

    My only big complaint is the lack of a real file system. I expect that will be remedied soon enough.

    . . . and, yes, this was sent from my iPad. :-)
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  6. Quote

    Once it's all done, we can meet up at Yankee's in Carlos. You can ride the Sam Houston forest on the way in and I'll enjoy my routes on the way in.

    Ever been there in a car? It's interesting. I have three bikes and the GF has one, but the time we were road tripping in her Miata and decided to rest there, they looked at us like we were aliens. Too much fun.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  7. Quote


    I'll have to give it a shot to be sure, but my gut feeling is that KC bbq won't touch what you'll find at a church picnic in Texas:P

    That's because KC BBQ has some class. :P

    What does class have to do with it?

    The best BBQ is almost always in a raggedy shack on the wrong side of the tracks, looks like it could burn down at any minute, and probably did the week before.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  8. Boo!

    This handsome fella was hunting mice near my garden when my girlfriend almost stepped on him.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  9. Without seeing the stripe around the eyes you can't tell. There are a lot of water snakes that look and act very similar, but only the cottonmouth that is actually poisonous.

    I keep, and enjoy having, all of them on my property. Great neighbors as long as you keep an eye out for them and let them flee rather than force them to go into defensive mode.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  10. Quote

    Is it just me or does anybody else feel like committing suicide when they hear ANY song by Pink Floyd?

    Perhaps you should seek therapy. You're way too easily influenced.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  11. Quote



    I don't do paypal. Why am I not signed up??!!

    OK, this is pissing me off. I filled out the registration many, many weeks ago. I've made all kinds of reservations, and you are telling me that I'm nobody because I don't do freaking Paypal??!!

    Your reservations are probably ok, but registration requires payment. So what that means is, when you get there and you are ready to pay the boogie fee, then we will ask that you fill out the quick and easy survey manually. We just spent 2 hours balancing the books with the survey to the paypal. This is the first year that I had the survey tied in with collecting money online. Saves me a ton of time after the event manually entering the data into excel. FYI I have been doing a survey since I started SF and it is one of the main reasons we have 24 manufacturers attending. They know I can tell them that 33% are A & B license holders, PD is the favorite at 52% but 21% are still undecided on what they will purchase. 39% of you wear Lg T's oh and the Med went up by 6% this year.

    So to answer your question, no you are not nobody, you are now somebody that needs to stop by the SF tent and say hello (after you pay your registration) LOL

    See you soon


    I was, and still am, perfectly happy to pay my registration in advance. Just not via Paypal. I understand the purpose of the survey.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  12. I had home made Amaretto crème brûlée for dessert last night. Mmmm. I also made a couple with Kahlua, but I haven't tried one of those yet.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  13. Quote

    I love her smile. Looks like she'll need braces in the future though. ;):D

    Nah, just makes her look thoughtful. Smart females are very attractive.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  14. Quote

    When it comes to Shiraz, I'll take the Rosemount over the Yellow Tail any day.


    I discovered Rosemount 15+ years ago when it was as cheap as Yellow Tail. Still one of my favorites.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  15. My recent walk up dog was just called dog for a while. Now that I think I'll keep him, I call him Dog.

    Plus it fits with my scheme. Bailey, Calvin, . . . Dog.
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.

  16. Technically, the middle, but the oldest was born profoundly retarded and institutionalized when I was nine.

    What does that make me? Who the hell knows?
    Some people never go crazy. What truly boring lives they must lead.