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Posts posted by Ramzisleiman

  1. So i wanted to know if i am the only one or not!
    I registered for my AFF course which is coming up next month without having any previous tandem experience.
    Many people ask me if i its my tandem experience that led me to register this course, and they get amazed that i never jumped tandem!
    Anyone else did this?
    The reason i am doing it, is because i do not feel it is really skydiving to get strapped to someone and surrender yourself to him to make the jump and all the process. It can be fun, but i do not see myself doing it.
    I am excited to know what are the opinions about this?

  2. So I'm back here to tell you that i am around one month far from the beginning of my journey into skydiving. My course will start beginning of June.
    who can help me out choose a place to stay near EmpuriaBrava?Who did his license there or know the area well?
    I need something not far from the school to have easy transportation every day. I do not mind hostels or such.Not looking to be spoiled. I did not like the hotel options that the school offers. Any recommendations?
    Thank you

  3. Just like most extreme sports, physical fitness is very important to handle the sport and stay safe.
    So how fit should a skydiver be? I know you can not be overweight and all that, but i am not talking about the general rules for safety, i am talking about a normal skydiver.
    I am sure most if not all skydivers practice other different sports, but do you think there should be minimal physical fitness to practice this sport? Like maybe having a strong core? or Legs for landing?

  4. Okay guys thanks for all the answers.
    I am now in the process of booking a flight for june ( its cheaper if i book early ) but i have a question regarding the time needed to complete the course and the extra jumps to get to the A licence. I understand that it depends if i fail some levels and have to repeat them. What is the average number of days that usually people take to finish the course and the con jumps. As empuria school said i can do more than one level in one day if the weather is good. Do you think 7 days are enough or shall i give it more space like 10 days.

  5. coming from a country where skydiving is not an option, i can not have that choice, i know you would suggest choosing the nearest dropzone, which is Dubai in my case. I go to europe much more than i go to nearby countries such as UAE. Mainly i go to Germany and the Netherlands for work and vacation.
    This is why i am choosing a dropzone far form my country, but easy to get to at any time.

  6. I think this is a long debate that many are with and many are against. i am not sure because i am not an instructor nor have i tried a wind tunnel before.
    I think choosing the right school with the right instructors and patience are more important than strictly choosing a school over another because they have a wind tunnel.

  7. No seriously. I am aware that its inevitable to get bad weather but i must think of the best time of the year to go inorder not to be wasting time and money doing nothing but waiting for a dry day. In the end im doing this abroad and paying accomodation and skipping work back home. So i have to consider this.

  8. Thank you for the link. Great post indeed. Your post got me more excited, cant wait to write my story.
    The dropzone in empuria in spain seems like a great place to start my future in the skies.
    When is the best time of the year to do it? I do not want the weather to be an obstacle and get to cancel some jumps because of the wind or rain.

  9. Thank you for the explanation.
    I have read in a lot of sources that i need 25 jumps to complete my A licence. However, it seems every country has its own rules, who can guide us about the rules in Europe? and how many jumps are the minimum to get the A licence.
    Also, Can someone explain to me the importance of having a uspa membership? Is it of any use other than being able to jump in USA?

  10. Remster

    Again, if you're booking a specific trip, weather has to be a huge factor.

    If April / May are good for you, Empuria isn't that expensive, and, weather is normally not a big problem there, unless you get the Tramontana winds. About US$3000 for the AFF/10 jump consol/Bunkhouse package. http://www.skydiveempuriabrava.com/iniciacio_cursos_allotjament_preus-2.html

    Plus it's a nice destination too.

    Voss would be awesome, but, I wouldn’t trust the weather as Ellena explained.

    I checked them out, it seems like a nice place and the price is logical. Thank you for pointing that out.
    After looking into their pricing, it got me confused. Why do i need the 10 con jumps? The website says it is the first step towards your A-licence. Doesn’t Completing the 8 Aff levels mean I get the A-licence?

  11. There are loads of great options in Europe as well as the desert campus in Dubai - all of them way, way better than Thailand.

    I wouldn’t sacrifice the option of top class instruction and facilities in Europe or Dubai just because you want a nice holiday destination in Pattaya (which is a bit of a shithole anyway).

    Thank you for all your replies. I am convinced that thailand is not a good choice. Eloy and dubai arent either.
    i do not want to go to USA, and isnt dubai more expensive than most others?
    After some research for schools in europe i found a nice school in Norway called skydive Voss. The price seams very reasonable and the school has good reviews.
    I am interested in schools in Europe only at the moment.

    Also someone suggested Israel, i hope that was a joke. I am lebanese, i cannot and will not go to Israel.

  12. So i finally can afford the time and money to get into earning my A licence. I have been looking for schools online to choose one and get started in the summer of 2015.
    I came across the school in Pattaya that offered me a 3700$ fee including accomodation in a nearby hotel for 13 nights.
    After some research over this forum i found out that the licence can cost anywhere between 2000 and 4000$. I am not sure if the prices went up by now or not. What do you guys think is that a good price? is the pattaya school a good one to start with?
    What other options do i have? I am coming from Middle East Lebanon, and i know there is the Dubai and Jordan school, but since its a vacation why not travel somewhere nice while at it.
    If you have any suggestions other than USA/Canada/Africa, please let me know. I am interested in going to Europe mainly. Thailand is a good choice too because flying ticket is not too expensive from where im departing. And the weather is almost always good.
    I am planning to get my licence anywhere between April and August, so please consider this time window when suggesting schools.
    Any help regarding this, will be greatly appreciated.