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Posts posted by SkyMagilla

  1. sfzombie13

    could you please put the article here, because when i tried what you said, it took me to the page wanting a login to read past the first paragraph.

    Click this google search:

    Then select the top entry in that list, which should be the Wall Street Journal. That should give the full article. Like Ryoder said. You just can't get there directly for some reason.

  2. LuckyMcSwervy

    ******There's more to me than just a nice rack. Thanks!

    Well, you don't have any in your profile. By all means, show us more of yourself!

    Nah, I'm good. Thanks. :)
    Well then, you can't complain that the only thing we have with which to judge you is your rack...

  3. airdvr

    Ummm...go to a bar. You won't be alone for long.

    Indeed. I'm reminded of some entries from McSwervy in the "Name that Rack" thread:;postatt_id=109643;;postatt_id=106552;;postatt_id=106597;

    No red-blooded American male would let that sit alone for long. Especially if you go in a bikini.

  4. promise5

    I'll admit this MIGHT be how I look on a fire.
    More like how I feel at times. :P:P:P

    Would you be the one with the fire hose, the ax, or the megaphone?

  5. keithbar

    I just watched the video again and it would be more than that because the tanks they were using were the ones that are like 4 foot tall like you see you on cutting torches and welders I wonder what the deposit would be on the 50 of those type of Tanks I bet a bunch:o what I don't get.well I guess I do get it he's a hardcore BASE jumper but why would you wear your base rig only from 8000 feet why not just wear your regular skydiving rig and get your swoop on at the end

    Maybe he wanted to be well-prepared in case something went wrong at low altitude.

    I wouldn't want a regular freefall rig at 500 feet, if I could've had a BASE rig.

  6. kallend

    I've lived and worked on Chicago's south side for 37 years. I'll drive anywhere. I normally have no reason to walk other than near home, work and the shopping or downtown areas. In those 37 years I have not had any negative encounters.

    I don't think you can speak for everyone in Chicago:
    They seem to have a little bit of a crime/shooting problem there...

  7. Go here, and see the third chart, "Violent crime rate 1973-2010":

    The current violent crime rate is only one-third of what it was 30 years ago. And this has happened with more guns in circulation than ever, more gun owners than ever, more states allowing concealed carry than ever, and with so-called "assault weapons" legal for sale.

    Conclusion? Crime must be caused by something other than guns and gun availability.

    Crime is about thug culture. We should deal with the culture that makes shooting people cool and proof of how tough and respectable you are. We should deal with fatherless homes that allow kids to grow up to be thugs. We should quit using racism as an excuse for committing crime. And we should lock up every punk that commits a violent crime, irrespective of their skin color.

  8. Gravitymaster

    Lots of people talking out of their asses. Trying to add in people in prison for drugs as a way to dilute the realities.


    Some people like to criticize America because its crime rates aren't as low as European nations. But America's crime rate is only so high because of the component for which blacks are responsible. If you look at only the white (non-hispanic) crime rate, it IS comparable to those European nations.

    And it should also be said, that American crime is not as bad now as it has been in the past, even with black crime - we are currently at a 40-year low.

  9. Right, the assumption by some because jail populations are disproportionately represented by blacks, is that the justice system must be racist.

    No, it's because blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime.

    If we were to free enough black prison inmates to reduce their jail population to match their percentage of the population overall (13%), then that would require freeing huge numbers of actual dangerous criminals.

  10. Bureau of Justice Statistics, see page 7, table 5, here:

    Blacks comprise 13% of the population and commit 57% of all murders.
    White comprise 63% of the population and commit 12% of all murders.

    Blacks commit murder at 4.4 times their proportion of the population.
    Whites commit murder at .2 times their proportion of the population.

    Blacks commit murder at a rate 22 times higher than whites.

    So if you're a cop pulling over a car reported to contain a murder suspect, to which race would you respond with the most caution?


    You seem to be justifying the whole DWB thing, and saying that it's OK because white people's perception is more important than black people's.

    Simply for driving? Of course that doesn't constitute suspicious behavior, and shouldn't be reason to pull them over. But if pulled over, they should be respectful and then be on their way. Belligerence is not the way to respond.

    It's not about perception, it's about facts, like the ones I posted, above. It's an ugly truth that no one wants to admit or confront. But until we do, nothing will change...

  11. Perhaps there's a good reason for stereotypes against blacks:

    Quote: "In 2013 24.3% of all hate crime offenders were black. According to the last census, blacks make up 12.6% of the population. That means that blacks commit hate crimes at nearly double the rate of their population percentage."

  12. What's the one thing that all these shot-dead black men have in common? They were all assaulting armed cops. I would think they would get the message that such behavior is not a good idea.

    Isn't it funny how this thread so quickly deteriorated into calling the original messenger a racist? People seem to be more concerned about that, then the dead black man, or the cop who was attacked.

    As for "5 rounds in the chamber", yeah, that's not possible. A chamber only holds 1 round at a time. There might have been 5 in the magazine, or maybe 1 in the chamber and four in the magazine. But nope, you can't have 5 in the chamber.