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Posts posted by frico

  1. Maybe this will help, I have to wait til' late oct. for my next jump, and my last one was on march 26, I dislocated my shoulder on a jump and the DZO said "no surgery,no jumping" so here I sit waiting getting more desperate everytime I go out and watch the blue sky.

    Get out, fly, pull ...
    How hard can it be ???

  2. Saludos... te recuerdo, como esta eso por alla ???
    por aca, ya me operaron el brazo y todo esta marchando bien
    se supone que para finales de octubre pueda brincar ...
    Cuidate mucho y ten por seguro que voy a decirle a los muchachos ...

    Get out, fly, pull ...
    How hard can it be ???

  3. Feed your addiction just like I did, I bought a brand new Toyota Tundra in late august last year, now I have an '85 mitsubishi that even the paint is coming off. I do miss my truck which was my dream car, but in the other
    hand I've met many people in this sport that I already consider my family.
    Now I don't have a monthly payment of $600.00, but I'm having the greatest time of my life ...

    Get out, fly, pull ...
    How hard can it be ???

  4. Hi, I guess I should start here, I'm a skydiver from the island of Puerto Rico and very happy to be in the sport even though I've been jumping for less than a year I've met lots of great people and I hope to meet as much as I can. Thanx to everyone ...

    Get out, fly, pull ...
    How hard can it be ???