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Posts posted by dalehall

  1. Thanks Y'all. I hope I can get it done in a short time.. We'll see how it goes. Yes skymama, I know about Fitzgerald. I have considered going, just depends on schedule. Soccer and softball season are in full swing here, so my two girls kind of dictate a lot of my time. Hence the wacky home schedule to get my training complete.
    Stu, I'm actually in Warner Robins.. Born and raised.. Left for 20 years while active duty, but back here to raise my family. Maybe I'll see you at SDA.. Thanks again for the replies..
    A. Dale Hall
    "The difference between Genius and Stupidity: Genius has its limits"

  2. Been lurking for quite awhile now, so I figured it was time to finally speak up. I did my first jump back in 1983. Static line at 3000' in Locust Grove, GA. It was a Phys Ed class in College (Sport Parachuting) and all you had to do was step out of the door and you got an A in class. (It was the only "A" I ever made in college) [:/] This was made on one of the old round chutes and I twisted my ankle bad on landing. Although I wanted to jump again, it never happened. Fast forward 31 years later and a TI from Skydive Atlanta starts working in my office. He gets me thinking about doing it again. So, last year, we go and I jump with him. Honestly, I was terrified! It scared me so bad, I had to go back and do another tandem to see if I could conquer the fear. The second jump was much better and I felt I could do it, so I entered AFF last Summer. Due to a very sketchy schedule at home, I wasn't able to finish the jumps before winter and injuring a knee. So, here I am, Winter done and knee better about to resume my AFF jumps in 2 weeks. I'm hoping the third time is the charm for finishing my training.
    A. Dale Hall
    "The difference between Genius and Stupidity: Genius has its limits"