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Posts posted by flypunk

  1. Yes, society has allowed it self to sue for the smallest and most absurd things; however this does not mean that all kids will be prevented from doing anything outdoors or even risky and get fat.

    It might just revert to what it originally started as and shift the responsibility to the parents themselves i.e. you want your kid to use and ATV, you'll have to buy one and assume all responsiblity since this type of precedent will probably shut down rentals for kidsl.

    Once your kid gets injured on your time, your land, and your ATV there is not much you can do but deal with it, like it used to be.

    Yeah I'm bored and can't sleep but I still think that you shouldn't be able to sign your kids rights away.


  2. wow... so it just turned from no don't worry about it its not a safety risk cuz its just a scam, and that is supposed to be ok?

    That is even worse than any of the issues that were raised before.

    So now you intend to ripp students off, cuz they dont know any better? While you are at it, why dont you add the cost of weather insurance and backflip exit. >:(

    Yeah great way to earn you some safety and marketing credit, even better convince all those who dont want to use the wingsuit, to charge extra for being "safer" by not using it . :S

    If you are marketing this as a it looks cooler suit, then you better call it that, and make sure that you tell your students that it doesn't do anything else but that.

    Not a great way to introduce new jumpers into the sport.[:/]


  3. Not going into the argument of what is foolish and what is not...

    I have jumped a wingsuit twice and man it takes the crap out of your arms, now if you think that you are flying twice the weight with just your strength to fly it it must really take a lot out of you if there is no drogue. if there is a drogue, then that just kills a lot of the forward movement.

    Ok now on top of the strength that you will need to fly it now add the landing, and think of the strength that you have used on the ohh shit moments when you had to deal with a malfunction.

    Whats the benefit of adding wear and tear to the instructor, just to show who doesn't know anything about skydiving what wingsuit flight is about. If they are really that interested then follow the normal steps, first learn to skydive then get into a wingsuit.

    Why try to run before you can crawl? Are you really transferring the feeling of flying a wingsuit to a passenger? it feels great if you are the one flying it, but if your body is just trailing does it really feel the same? and not only no but hell no to giving the student a wingsuit.

    Maybe the people who have used a wingsuit and rode one in rodeo position can tell us if it is the same feeling flying or riding a flyier.


  4. I agree that this will vary depending on the individual, and if anyone the DZ should be the one setting the limit.

    Our two DZ managers are also TMs and they typically are not in the rotation, unless somebody pulls off or needs a break. Safety is not a compromise our dz is willing to make.

    Others will step in as well and help with the 250#r at the last load of the day when you are worn or hurting.

    Its pretty simple, $30 is not worth getting injured, and most definitely not worth injuring your passenger.

    Keep hidrated, fed, work out reguraly and once your mind starts wondering due to fatigue, stop. Your body is not the only thing that gets tired, and all the muscle in the world aint gonna save your butt if your mind is not in it.

    Ive stepped in when needed but I've also stepped out when my back started giving out, and although I couldve handled it if it all went well, I wasnt sure that I could if anything went sour. I dont regret not going.

    Max Ive done is 12 tandems 3 camera jumps and 2 fun jumps in one day.


  5. bwahahhaha still can't spell my last name... ohh wait... you can't even get the first one right :o

    Tom Martin, black suit, black rig, white helmet.

    I believe Larry Henderson was in it, cant see the video, so can't tell you his colours in it, but it would be a full face with a greyish suit.
