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Posts posted by Kat4821

  1. So for the Spectre pilots out there-- Is that canopy a fun canopy to fly even though the "flare sucks"?

    I am 6'3''(ish) and I have long arms, so if I were to fly it, would I have a hard time with the flare? From what I have read, the Spectre comes with a tad bit more toggle line..

    How much does the Spectre fly at higher WL? Im just asking to get knowledge.

  2. katzas

    OH hell--it seems that one tandem jump (as the passenger) qualifies the super cool to call themselves skydivers. Probably works as well with duhhhhhhhhh chicks as if you had a D and a few thousand freefalls. Good luck. Use a condom. :o

    So how would said conversation go in order to be able to use said condom?

  3. Its extremely difficult to buy used stuff for us "somewhat oversized individuals".

    I am 6'3'' about 200 lbs. Finding a container that fit me new was almost damn near impossible as most skydivers I know are much shorter than me. Im not fat, just tall and lean (or lanky).

    When I used to race motorcycles I always ran into the problem that nothing "off the rack" ever fit me. We wear pretty extensive leather suits that are meant to protect your skin and ass in the event of a fall off. If you go to big, then the leather grabs the road and sends you tumbling (which in essence increases of the odds of breaking bones). If you buy too small, well lets just say it isn't good for the boys and you can't move around on the bike like you should. The only option for me was to buy a new, custom fit leather suit at 2k for 1 suit… it sucked but after my last off, it was WELL worth the money to save my behind.

  4. I'd like to put in a small comment….

    I've been stationed in Japan for the last 3 years on a military tour…Since I have been here in Japan, I found Japanese Judo. If you know anything about martial arts its that Judo is probably one of the more difficult martial arts to be "proficient" at. I stumbled upon the dojo here and the Japanese welcomed me with open arms, little did I know there was a specific reason for it. I speak ZERO Japanese except for the Hello and goodbye.

    Judo takes many years to understand how to effectively execute some of the throws that are in the book. In any case, day after day, I would show up only to get thrown around and beat up. I lost a lot of my confidence and got discouraged about a year into it. I started "making excuses" not to show up. Little did I know, that they were getting me ready for a tournament (again, I never understood what they were saying). Once I got over my "pity party", I went back and They showed me the flyer and I called a buddy who spoke fluent Japanese to translate what they were saying.

    Long story short, I was the ONLY American there and came in 4th. In my book thats pretty damn good. Had I quit I wouldn't be where I am today. I still have a VERY VERY long way to go, but the moral of my story is to differentiate "Failure" and "setbacks". You haven't failed anything, and while it may be discouraging, it's important to remember that as long as you're having fun while training, thats all that matters… Keep going and keep practicing..

  5. I had to quit smoking months ago. I would wake up in the morning with my chest feeling like I had a 10 ton boulder on it. Probably the hardest thing I've ever done. I picked it up in 2008 on deployment. I saw all the cool kids doing it, and thought, hmm, they all seem like they are making the best of life in Iraq. Sleeping under our vehicles in the sand with a smoke before bed…Then I started working out really heavy and it just wasn't for me. I will occasionally have a smoke, but I don't enjoy it anymore… it's just the "go to" stress reliever…I end up taking a puff and I gag.

    I have friends that all do the e-cig deal and they all like it…

    Are there any "health concerns" with those things? I understand its just water vapor, but what happens in your lungs with the water vapor? I figure its better than inhaling smoke, tar, carcinogens and all that other jazz..

  6. Since I have written this post, I have backed off a bunch and let my buddy try and figure things out on his own. I think the advice has been the best so far. He has not had outside influences telling him what "they" would do. In fact, I wouldn't even know what to do in that situation! I'd probably punch her in the throat…

    All in all-- a difficult time for my buddy and I just think it's best, per the advice, that I remain an outsider until everything is figured out..

  7. quade

    ***I have a buddy in the military with me who...

    Unless "buddy in the military" is a euphemism for yourself, then...


    It's none of your business, at all.

    I can respect that… no it's not me, but I was just thinking about it all and what I would do in that situation…

  8. Hello DZ

    so I got a hypothetical for everyone that if you wouldn't mind to chime in on. Just curious to get everyones take on the scenario

    I have a buddy in the military with me who has been married a few year with 2 kids, house, dogs..the whole nine. His wife is also military. She goes on a 12 month deployment and while she's there, forms a very "SPECIAL" type of relationship with another dude. My buddy gets orders and they move to another duty station. Two years later, he finds very descriptive and detailed emails and pictures on her computer that there is no denying what had happened while she was on deployment. According to him, he might as well have been in the room from reading the emails. This wasn't a 1 time "oops" I got lonely mistake… according to the emails, it was going on the entire time they were both there.
    He confronts her, tries to leave..and all hell breaks lose. He tries not to lose it and ends up leaving. While he was gone, he does a little investigating and finds out who this guy is. Come to find out, the male is at the SAME duty station as my buddy and I. Literally lives 6 miles away and is always around the same area we are. My buddy decides to do what he can to make it work with the wife. They talk it out and he tries to move forward.

    So since we have been here my and I have taken up Judo and MMA. So one day after his Judo class he is driving home and he sees said male in his apt complex walking in the parking lot. They made eye contact, so they both know whats going on.

    What would you do in this situation given all the circumstances listed above..??

    Reason I'm asking-- my buddy has been different ever since this time and after some of our conversations, he just doesn't know what to do. Obviously I talked to him and reminded him its going to take a long time to actually get over it and trust her again.. He understands that, but ever since he saw the guy his thoughts are this: The guy that she cheated on him with knows my buddy knows what happened and who he is. When he saw him in the parking lot, his ego and pride started coming through.. He's thinking "I looked this guy in the eye and the guy was probably laughing inside because he knows I know. But being in the military, he can't risk what he does have"

  9. So what do most of you recommend for someone who is rather tall (6'4'' +) and the majority of the classifieds are for people between 5'5'' - 5'1''?

    I am 6'4'' and searched, and searched for used gear. The entire time I was saving more and more money. When I realized the searches were running dry, I just bought a new custom fit rig, obviously with the help, guidance and wisdom of my coach. It was pricey but it was a decision that I thought would be the best in the long run.

  10. lyosha

    ***Hey DZ. I'm just about to get my A license and I've started looking a gear seriously. I am okay with buying new, but I'm trying to plan for a rig that I can have for a long time. I noticed that Vector makes a V349 that will cover main sizes 190|170|150 if I fly PD Pulses. Which would put me at a 1:1 wing loading on the 190 and a 1:3 wing loading on the 150. I'm in no hurry to downsize or swoop, but I do want a rig that will allow me to progress. The only problem with Vector is of course the 9 month production time. [:/]

    I haven't seen many other containers that state they can handle a 190|170|150 combination. I'd image they probably exist? The only other solution would to be fly rig that allows for a 190|170 and sell it when I'm ready to downsize.

    Based upon my thoughts above, can you offer any recommendations or advice on buying my first rig? Also, since I'm not in a hurry to downsize, do you think a 1:1-1:3 range would last me for a long time?

    I'm in the same boat as you and pretty much all containers are made in a size that will fit a Pulse 190, Sabre 2 170 and Sabre 2 150 (and some of the bulkier 140 canopies). Keep in mind a Pulse 190 has a smaller pack volume than a Sabre2 170. Look around a little harder. Off the top of my head Wings, Javelin, RI Curv, Aerodyne and Infinity have offerings on the market.

    I've been told by people at my DZ to buy the first container used because you likely grow out of it in one active season or less, but I'm 6'5" and can't find jack in terms of used containers so for me it's starting to seem like more and more of a force majeour situation...

    I was in the same boat Lyosha, I am 6'4'' and looking for quality used stuff with the parameters I need, is darn impossible. I saved my money and asked around and got some solid advice from very respected people who pointed me in the right direction. My only problem at the time was convincing the wife to let me spend the money I had saved on a brand new, custom fit rig. That was tough, but I did it anyways, no regrets!

  11. mjosparky

    ******At what point do you guys recommend picking one of these up? Im sure not a new skydiver should be looking at these, but what do you guys recommend?

    We (at least I) do not recommend them. If someone wants to use one, it's up to them. It's a grown ass man/woman sport.

    What he said. If you want an altimeter buy one. Screw the “cool” factor and get the right tool for the job. [:/]


    Sparky, I agree man! Just thought I'd ask.

  12. If I may add on a bit:

    I am no expert skydiver, in truth: I'm just now about to get back into after some years of getting out of the sport for military reasons. In any case, I went all the way through AFF, got to my 24th jump and got thrown on a deployment for 12 months. After I got back, something else took over called "life". Had a baby and got married yada yada yada…

    Well soon after I got back I picked up motorcycle racing. I was actually pretty good at it. Got the leather suit, nice race prepped bike, but I always had this void that racing couldn't fulfill. Not sure what it was, but I would always drive by the local DZ's and just sit and watch. It ignited something back in me. I thought about it and trolled these forums and watched "iloveskydiving.org" on a daily basis wondering if it was something I really wanted to pursue again. Needless to say, after watching a few friends die from the shenanigans that occurs in the southern california canyons, I knew I was done. I've since gotten orders to Okinawa Japan and this tour is about to be up. In fact Ill be back in May. I've already got my timeline set up, gear, coach etc lined up. Oh yea and that one thing some of us can't have enough of--Money. Just waiting to get back so I can go back through AFF and get started again.

    For me, it is something that can't be replicated in any sense of the word. When I tell people I've given up racing to become a skydiver I always get the "Thats not safer" talk and the weird looks. I honestly can say it's been something I've been missing for a long time. The friendships that you form are something different and I really miss it. I miss the smell of the thin air at 13000 feet and everything that goes with it.

    I remember that I would go into "withdraws" of not jumping. Everything just disappeared when the door opened.

    Long drawn out story, but Im glad I was able to share my 2 cents.


  13. Man I know just what you mean. Same kind of sequence for me. Got certified, got addicted and life took over. I'm in the military so I had constant deployments and just got out of it. Then picked up racing. Now I'm laying racing to bed and coming back to the sky. I'll be in San Diego so I'll be out at Perris. Got a great coach on board that's excited to get me flying again!

    Glad to see you back though!

  14. Hello to all!

    Been a long time since I jumped last. Life kind of took off and now I'm coming back to the sport. Took some time off due to life and ended up picking up motorcycle racing. Did pretty good with that, but I remember clearly my first jumps. It's something I've been dying to get back into since my last jump in 07. I'm looking for gear so I'll be browsing around alot.
