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Posts posted by Skydivur17

  1. So I was hoping to get some advice as to what kind of freefly jumpsuit to get.
    I want a custom jumpsuit that works well in the air and in the tunnel. I've been looking at either LiquidSky Cosmo or Comet but I have no clue what the differences are between them. I have also been looking at Vertical Viper suit and I really like the UNO.619 by Tonfly. Between those choices what do you guys think?

    Oh and I owe beeeeeerrr :)

  2. I want to know what the benefits and costs are of having stowless d-bags versus semi-stowless versus regular d-bags.

    I just order a Curv system (new everything) as my first rig and wanted to make sure I got what I really wanted. Good advice is appreciated :)