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Posts posted by JP535

  1. Hello, in December me and another friend went and did 11 hours each there at Freezone. The coaching was great for us. We had Ivan Karpuhin, Sergei Yasnikov, and Max Vodopyanov for our 22 hours. They were all awesome flyers and all skydive as well. Ivan I believe is on their national skydive team. I think they all compete in tunnel comps.

    We were recommended these coaches by the Freezone office after we described the type of flying we wanted to learn. I plan to use the same coaches for our next 22 hours this summer. They were fun to fly with and very committed to teaching the proper technique. Freezone is recently remodeled and has all the good equipment. The flights are all recorded from 3 different angles. After the flights, you can go to a team room and they will debrief you more while watching the videos. You can also, download the videos if you want to keep them.

    Not sure if you speak russian or not, these 3 spoke enough english we were able to learn from them. Of course there is a little language barrier, but they could demonstrate proper technique and explain what we needed.

    Hope you have a great time there.

  2. Cheapest tunnel prices in the world ! $3200 for 11 hours at Freezone in Moscow. I recently took a trip to Freezone to try and learn to freefly. Knowing that it was going to take a lot of time to start to gain the skills to fly properly, I decided that i couldn’t afford the $800-1,000 per hour rates in the states. I found Freezone and started emailing the staff there. They were very friendly and helpful with setting up everything for me. Everything from help with invitations for Russian Visa, hotel suggestions, selecting coaches that were awesome flyers and spoke english, free shuttle daily to and from the hotel/airport, trips to the bank (ATM) and help with anything we needed. Plane tickets from the states can be found from $450-700 from LAX and hotels can be anywhere from $15-50 a night. Add it all up and for the price of 4-6 hours in the states you can get 11 hours there.

    Freezone has recently upgraded their whole facility that includes a 16.5’ and 12’ tunnels. They have a restaurant, bar, team rooms with video to debrief and tons of floor space to use creepers or stretch out or whatever. They are currently building a hotel on site as well but it wasn’t open yet. They will have a full weight room and another bar/restaurant in it.

    I went with another flyer that had about 25 hours of tunnel already and was wanting to learn more dynamic type of flying. The coaches were great in getting him to progress and learn new techniques. I was pretty much starting from the beginning having to re-learn back and sit flying ( I haven’t flown in 3 years). I did get to do some head down but I need more practice. I am heavier big guy weighing about 250 lbs and they spent a lot of time with me to learn to gain extra lift from every way possible without just turning up the tunnel speed. In the US tunnels that I had trained in previously, they just cranked up the speed to get me up and I wasn’t learning the right technique. These guys really spent the time to teach me the right way. We could fly, then go to the team room and watch the videos of the flights and critique techniques.

    You can even bring your own coach if you want and use their facility that way if you wish. There was another large group of 12-13 flyers that brought their own coach. They will work with you and help set up any schedule you want that works.

    Prices for 12’ tunnel
    Day rate from 1600-0100 week days 330 EUR $390 USD
    1000-0100 week ends Same
    Night Rate 0100-1600 week days 270 EUR $320 USD
    0100-1000 week ends Same

    16.5’ tunnel 1600-0100 week days 370 EUR $440 USD
    1000-0100 week ends Same
    Night Rate 0100-1600 week days 330 EUR $390 USD
    0100-1000 week ends Same

    Coaching rate for private coaching is $100 EUR or $118 USD per hour, they have many coaches at different levels for whatever you need. Many of the coaches also compete in tunnel competitions and are skydivers themselves.

    I just pulled those rates off of their website December 29th 2017. We flew under a cheaper price of $2900 for 10 hours and if you buy 10, you get 1 hour for free. Looks like their prices just went up a little since we booked a month ago.

    So if you are looking to do a bunch of bulk time in the tunnel, check out Freezone. I can’t say enough good things about how they treated us and how great the coaches and staff were. Plus, it was pretty cool visiting Moscow and seeing everything the city has to offer.

  3. Cheapest tunnel prices in the world ! $3200 for 11 hours at Freezone in Moscow. I recently took a trip to Freezone to try and learn to freefly. Knowing that it was going to take a lot of time to start to gain the skills to fly properly, I decided that i couldn’t afford the $800-1,000 per hour rates in the states. I found Freezone and started emailing the staff there. They were very friendly and helpful with setting up everything for me. Everything from help with invitations for Russian Visa, hotel suggestions, selecting coaches that were awesome flyers and spoke english, free shuttle daily to and from the hotel/airport, trips to the bank (ATM) and help with anything we needed. Plane tickets from the states can be found from $450-700 from LAX and hotels can be anywhere from $15-50 a night. Add it all up and for the price of 4-6 hours in the states you can get 11 hours there.

    Freezone has recently upgraded their whole facility that includes a 16.5’ and 12’ tunnels. They have a restaurant, bar, team rooms with video to debrief and tons of floor space to use creepers or stretch out or whatever. They are currently building a hotel on site as well but it wasn’t open yet. They will have a full weight room and another bar/restaurant in it.

    I went with another flyer that had about 25 hours of tunnel already and was wanting to learn more dynamic type of flying. The coaches were great in getting him to progress and learn new techniques. I was pretty much starting from the beginning having to re-learn back and sit flying ( I haven’t flown in 3 years). I did get to do some head down but I need more practice. I am heavier big guy weighing about 250 lbs and they spent a lot of time with me to learn to gain extra lift from every way possible without just turning up the tunnel speed. In the US tunnels that I had trained in previously, they just cranked up the speed to get me up and I wasn’t learning the right technique. These guys really spent the time to teach me the right way. We could fly, then go to the team room and watch the videos of the flights and critique techniques.

    You can even bring your own coach if you want and use their facility that way if you wish. There was another large group of 12-13 flyers that brought their own coach. They will work with you and help set up any schedule you want that works.

    Prices for 12’ tunnel
    Day rate from 1600-0100 week days 330 EUR $390 USD
    1000-0100 week ends Same
    Night Rate 0100-1600 week days 270 EUR $320 USD
    0100-1000 week ends Same

    16.5’ tunnel 1600-0100 week days 370 EUR $440 USD
    1000-0100 week ends Same
    Night Rate 0100-1600 week days 330 EUR $390 USD
    0100-1000 week ends Same

    Coaching rate for private coaching is $100 EUR or $118 USD per hour, they have many coaches at different levels for whatever you need. Many of the coaches also compete in tunnel competitions and are skydivers themselves.

    I just pulled those rates off of their website December 29th 2017. We flew under a cheaper price of $2900 for 10 hours and if you buy 10, you get 1 hour for free. Looks like their prices just went up a little since we booked a month ago.

    So if you are looking to do a bunch of bulk time in the tunnel, check out Freezone. Maybe not to helpful if you only want to do an hour or 20-40 minutes.

    I can’t say enough good things about how they treated us and how great the coaches and staff were. Plus, it was pretty cool visiting Moscow and seeing everything the city has to offer.

  4. See if any of the DZ's near you have coaching camps for new jumpers. I jump at Skydive Elsinore and they have monthly Excel camps where they put 2 or 3 newer jumpers with a coach and jump all day. It is free coaching and working with someone that is trying to teach and make you better.

    Yes, a lot of DZ's have small groups of jumpers that hang out together and jump together. They may all be at a very high skill level of free flying or whatever and jump with others that can keep up on those types of jumps. Most larger DZ's have LO's that there purpose is to put you on jumps, jumps that you can be successful and hopefully get better as jump more. Then you can start getting invited to some of the other groups jumps. Just stick it out, it sometimes takes a while to get the skills needed to jump with some groups.

  5. I got in touch with the wingsuit tunnel through FB and they answered my questions. I thought i would put the info up here.

    You start out with a 30 minute time pac to learn to fly in the tunnel, you start out on their beginner suits and hooked up to a harness system to keep you from hitting the walls/ceiling. After you demonstrate the ability to fly (should be less than 30 min for people that already wing suit) then you come off of the harness system and can advance in suits to your own or one of theirs.

    They recommend no more than 60 minutes a day, if you are splitting the time up through out the day to keep from getting too tired and waisting the airtime.

    They have free coaching right now through the rest of 2017 but will have to pay for coaching after the end of the year. Probably not a lot of coaches with this tunnel experience other than their own employees right now.

    They get a discount at the hotel just down the street from there and will send you a link when you purchase time with them. They were very quick to respond to my questions and seem willing to help out travellers coming to fly from other countries. great customer service so far. They are hosting a competition in early december.

  6. This looks like a great way to learn skills to fly better. Is the coaching part of the price for the time? Or is this like vertical tunnels where if you want "good" coaching, you need to pay extra? Will they be able to do video debriefs in between sessions? Does the price come with suit rentals if you want to try different suits or if you advance to a larger suit and want to learn in tunnel before taking it to the sky? Do you start people out in beginner suits during the "start up Pac" and after they prove stable and certify to fly without harness, let them go to bigger suits? Last question, how long can a person fly in a day? Is this similar to vertical tunnels where most people can get a good 45-60 minutes of training in before they start to get tired and waste air time? I know that will be depending on each person and the shape they are in, but what is your recommended suggestion of time most people would be capable of? Just trying to figure out how many hours i would be able to try and book for a trip there. This looks awesome and i am excited to come learn more.

  7. I was recently in your situation. I first started out with a Pulse 210 and jumped that for just over 200 jumps. I then downsized to a Pilot 188 ZPX. I am only loading it at 1.3 and have loved the Pilot. I never really had issues with off heading openings on the pulse, but the pilot seems to be even better for me. The openings were both similar, but the difference is in the flare. The pulse seemed to have a weaker flare, but after a canopy course I learned proper technique to be able to flare the canopy just fine. The Pilot however was a noticeable difference in the power of the flare to me.

    I have flown both canopies at the same size (190) and after demo'ing I chose the Pilot. Both were very good to me, but I will probably buy another pilot when I am ready to downsize again after a few hundred more jumps. I liked having the extra power in the flare. Just my opinion.

    Good luck

  8. I recently saw an advertisement for it and looked it up on the Aerodyne website. Besides all the info that the manufacture says about it, has anyone jumped one yet? What are your thoughts?

    I currently fly a pilot 9 cell and was looking at the pilot 7 cell for a wingsuit canopy which they say it is great for.

    I am interested in hearing some reviews if others have been flying one. I hope to do a demo soon to see for myself.


  9. Don't get frustrated for falling like an anvil. I am 6'1 and 240'ish, and it took me a while to learn to control fall rate to be able to jump with others successfully. Get a good jump suit with the proper materials and fit that help with a little extra drag.

    I did a few days of coaching and an hour in the tunnel on my belly to get better at anticipating "sinking out" and adjusting before it happened. It really did help.

    I learned that it probably wasn't going to be a great jump if i was trying with a bunch of people that are around 120 lbs. or "floaty". Eventually, and maybe slower than other people I did learn to control my fall rate to be able to stay with the group.

    I suggest to get some good coaching on body position, wear a proper jump suit, and maybe try some tunnel to speed up the process.

    Good Luck,