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Posts posted by valoche

  1. parachutist

    Vigil IIs have been a pleasure to work with. In those rare cases where support is needed, the manufacturer is quick to resolve any questions or issues.

    I like the M2 so far. It's still new in the US market, so I don't have enough experience with them yet to say it's great, but no reasons to say it's not great. Make sure it's approved by the manufacturer of the container, or make sure it's one of those container manufacturers that says they have no clue about AADs so they neither approve nor disapprove.

    Cypres 2 - A reliable staple. I don't like the requirement to send them in every 4 years. It's a thorough way to test the equipment, but then if you're in a year-round jumpable climate, it puts kinks in the jumping and it leaves thousands of $$ worth of skydiving gear sitting around my hangar for weeks while waiting on the service to be performed and shipping to happen, and credit cards to get charged. That's why this brand has been on the bottom of my list in recent years.


    Thanks for the tips Chris! :)