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Dropzone Reviews posted by diver84047

  1. I called ahead of time to get the lowdown and Andy was very helpful from the start.

    I am a fun jumper who travels for a living so I have the opportunity to jump at different Dropzones all over the country... I know the routine and,for the most part, I know what I'm talking about. I read the reviews on this website and made my decision to jump there based on that phone call. It was the closest Dropzone to me at the time, but not the closest to my destination. In other words, I had other options and I chose Oklahoma Skydiving Center.

    So I showed up and checked in, and set about getting to know the people and place. Andy and the guys were just getting started for the day and were working on the plane...Situation normal.

    I made myself familiar with the landing area, who was who and so on. Andy had already let me know (when I called) that he had tandems showing up and he was trying to get some other fun jumpers in to make loads. No guarantees. I'm in love with the sky and the sport so Im showing up regardless of who else may or may not show, on the off chance I can get even a single jump in on a weekday which doesn't always happen (even at larger Dropzones). I enjoyed my afternoon getting to know the tandems, the staff and a couple local jumpers.

    As it turned out, Andy put me on a load with a tandem (which he didn't have to do) so I was able to FLY that day! As a matter of fact, I dug the feel of the place and the people and made the decision to stay the next day as well.

    Day two I had the opportunity to meet another set of people; watch as several groups of individuals experienced the thrill of their lives! I enjoy that and remember how it was for me the first time...and the next...and so on... Plus I made three more loads that day even though the winds were less than ideal. I always consider myself lucky to have the opportunity to FLY...Its all about perspective.

    Everything else aside, a couple of things to consider: Andy and the crew do not control the weather. The weather does. Check ahead of time and be prepared to wait it out or take a raincheck, Its for your LIFE and SAFETY not your convenience. Things may not always go your way at a Dropzone. Any Dropzone. Know this: they want to get you in the air. They want you to have the time of your life! They do this for a living out of a love for the sport and if you love it they will earn your business. They put their lives and reputation on the line and make your safety the first priority.

    I had an excellent experience and I'm sure I made the right decision when I chose Oklahoma Skydiving Center.
