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Dropzone Reviews posted by Stevo9124

  1. As noted above, this has always been a Dropzone in one form or another. Recently taken over by a commercial outfit heading into their second summer of operation and if the first year or two of their operation is anything to go by, this little DZ has the potential to turn in to a great one.

    In the last decade or so, NZ DZ's have been notably Tandem and Tourist focussed, and decidedly unwelcoming to the Sport Jumper. Skydive Auckland however, seem to be doing there best to change this, with quite some success. They usually manifest the loads, depending on demand, with a mix of Tandem and Sport Jumpers, a win win for all involved, as the Tandem punters get to see real Skydivers exiting, and the Tandem passenger can fill the load if not enough Sporties are available.

    This DZ is also the testing ground for Icarus Canopies, the second largest canopy manufacturer in the world. And on any given day, their fearless, courageous and yes, maybe crazy test pilots can be witnessed jumping the latest cutting edge Canopies, with some spectacular swoop landings. Don't be put off by their lofty status on the DZ, these guys are fully approachable and happy to discuss/chat about any aspect of the canopies they are jumping.

    It has to be said too, that the annual Skychicks and October Fest Boogies are not to be missed. If not for all the load organised jumps, 12 plus bigway FS, 4 ways FS, and dare I say it all that Sit, Head Down and Tracking jump stuff, but for the legendary Boogie parties. Whatever you do, best not to get caught alone in the Spa by the marauding hoards of highly sexed females if your not prepared to take them on.