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Posts posted by fatmarl

  1. I have around 60 -70 flights on my S-Fly Expert (love it) and I'm thinking about getting a Profly. I fly primarily for distance but do a bit of flocking as well. I would be grateful if the owners of any Proflys out there would give me their opinions (good or bad) of the suit. Cheers,


  2. I'm buying a used wingsuit from a guy in the US (I live in the UK). What is the best way to "minimise" the amount of import duty that I will have to pay and what would be the best way for the seller to mail the suit. Thanks.

  3. At the moment, the Black Knights Parachute Centre (Cockerham) are charging £18 to 14,000', except for Mondays and Fridays when the price drops to £15. I haven't heard of any price rises in the pipeline, but it is only recently that the price of a jump ticket went up to £18 from £17. Also, if you buy 10 jump tickets, you get one free! (That is, except for Mondays and Fridays).

  4. Quote

    There was a similar incident in the UK a couple of months ago.

    Cessna 185 took off and the wheel actually broke off on takeoff. Pilot climbed to 9k I think, jumpers got out, the pilot flew around a bit to lose fuel before flying to a nearby airport because they have a longer runway. Pilot managed to land safely and no one was hurt.

    I was on this load. We hit an obstruction on the runway and it tore the port wheel and strut off. The plane banked to the left but the pilot reacted quickly and got us in to the air. The pilot (Gordon Cooper) made a quick check of his controls and was satisfied that he could maintain control. There was no panic on board. We made 2 passes at 2,500' when the 5 skydivers on board bailed out, leaving our best wishes with Gordon. As you say, Gordon flew around to burn off fuel and alnded safely.

    If I'm ever going to be in a plane crash, I want Gordon to be flying!

  5. I'm looking to start jumping with a camera. I do not intend to film tandems or formation skydives, I just want to capture some of the fun I have on film. Looking through the threads, I see almost nobody jumps the Sony PC106/107 cameras. Is there a reason behind this? I am looking at these cameras because they are small, light and cheap. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

  6. That's the Let that they used to have at Cark. Cockerham is due to get F-GODZ, the worlds most powerful and oldest flying Porter arriving tomorrow (Saturday). Jump tickets are currently £17 but will be rising to £18 sometime in May. You can, however, buy 10 and get 1 free. Height is currently restricted by ATC to 10k, but after 20th. May should be 14k and occasionally 15k with ATC approval. Check out www.bkpc.co.uk

  7. Can anyone tell me the nominal pack volume of a Sabre2 135? My wife has just had a new container made and it is a bitch to close. Just want to make sure that the pack tray is the right size.

  8. I don't know about an official SkydiveU coach rating, you would have to contact Rob Laidlaw about that. The Search is an annual event, as far as I know SkydiveU does not yet have a freefly program similar to their Basic Body Flight course. One thing about the Search that I forgot to mention, they have a prize draw towards the end of it, I won 33% off a new PD canopy:)
    I really must learn to read, you're asking about coach ratings and I'm on about basic FF courses. Still enjoyed myself though.....

  9. The program is already up and running. I attended the first SkydiveU Freefly Search in February this year, it was at DeLand and consisted of 40 minutes of tunnel time and 20 coached jumps (Fabian Raidel was my coach). Also included were a canopy handling lecture from Scott Miller and mental training from Dr. John DeRosalia. Cost was $2,400 but worth every penny!