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Posts posted by bunkum

  1. Hey guys, I'm just beginning to free fly, and I'll want to buy a FF suit soon, but I live in the tropics where its usually 30 degrees celcius and 80% humidity, I was wondering if there a jumpsuits, or specific materials that would be more comfortable in this weather?

    I usually sweat buckets in the ones I've got, and I'm not sure if I should get a short sleeved, short legged one while I'm still an inexperienced free flyer.

    Any advice much appreciated.

  2. Hey all, I just realised I've never introduced myself here.
    I'm a freshly B licensed and bushy tailed jumper looking to get heaps better at canopy and flat before I concentrate on free flying. Hopefully I can rob a bank or something and get some tunnel time for that next year lol.
    Cheers from Far North Queensland Australia