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Posts posted by testxyz

  1. Quote

    Grey will be speaking on Friday, November 29 at the History Museum to open the Cooper symposium here. For more information about that event, as well as other programs, please visit http://www.washingtonhistory.org/...-exhibit-program.pdf.

    Maybe Greggory Grey can come up with the lost microfilm (from the Bank or FBI) which contains the stolen money "Serial Number Bundle Sequence" list (per Tom Kaye), to prove the money found at Tena's bar was in proper order and not tampered with.

    They really Lost the Master Microfilm regarding one of the world's most famous unsolved crimes? I have 30 serial numbers...lets see if they match up with the Microfilm.

    They lost the Microfilm....lol - Alrighty - Yea Right- Uh HUh - Any other good jokes?

    This is how consiperacy theories are born!

  2. Quote

    I have waded through the various posts today saying this or that, or asking this or that. Too many to count, and I haven't the time to answer them individually.

    Can you explain why none of the ransom money K.C. aka DB Cooper
    extorted has turned up in circulation?

    The serial number list of all 20 dollar bills were widely circulated in December of 1971 to L.E. and banks.

  3. Quote

    shows such as Decoded are not to be taken seriously if you are a true Historian. they are designed for ratings.
    many of these shows are being accused of staging events, scripting people, adding effect to make the show interesting enough to watch. they are designed for entertainment value only.

    Brad Meltzer does have a charismatic manner of delivery. He builds on facts upon facts (maybe not facts) to where it's almost like candy to the ears.

    When he was on the Today Show he started on that path but was told that they didn't have much time. So the true delivery of Brad Meltzer wasn't displayed.

    I'm guessing that wasn't you on the GuideStone episode or was it?

  4. I looked at Geoffery Gray's book....

    The sequence of the two? letters are below. You can see db cooper is signed twice. Once for each letter. Are you mistaking? two different letters for one letter? and is this really an excerpt from Gray's Book "Skyjack"? All the example letters are typed in his book.

    If you are mistaken then there is not a letter connecting all three letters.

    Letter sequence from Graysmith Book below. Not, I'm looking at the Ebook so the spacing below might not be exactly as found in Hard Copy.


    i am alive and doing well in home town PO. The system that beats the system. db cooper

    Thanks for hospitality. Was in a rut.
    D.B. Cooper

  5. Quote

    Editors Note: For your viewing pleasure...we are preparing a video right now. Should be up in a few hours......

    WOW....Great Video!

    How did you get a copy of the Letter sent to the FBI?

    Was it sent on a Postcard? and what is the date?

    All the letters do connect with the FBI letter.

    There were copies of several letters printed in Gray's Book "Skyjack", was this one of them?

  6. Quote

    I've been on local television several times, along with radio programs. you don't always know there true intentions or how the actual program will come out sometimes until it pops on the tube.

    I watched your part on the Guidestone espisode. I think you come across very well on TV. You didn't seem nervous and spoke well. The only problem I had IMO is that maybe you were overly zealous regarding your position displayed.

    Just my 2 cents.

  7. Quote

    It's uploaded at YouTube. I wonder whether the person who uploaded is allowed to do this, but here it is anyway.

    Thanks, I will look at it later.

    GreyCop could be onto something with the Reno Letter.

    Wasn't K.C. a Flight Attendant or Stewart for Northwest Airlines?

    If so, he was in the "hospitality" industry and probably
    heard plenty of times "thanks for the hospitality" from
    passengers. Especially back then when people tended to
    be more formal with word usuage.

    Reno Letter has "Thanks for the Hospitality" in it.

  8. Quote

    It is remarkable to me that the History Channel would produce an entire episode in an attempt to discredit an ordinary guy, because they clearly scripted me to play the roll of the foil, the adversary that the rest of the program then tore down. Apparently, I made someone somewhere mad with my Georgia Guidestones research (Ted Turner perhaps?).

    Thanks for welcoming me back.

    I tried to watch the Video you are in at the History Channel website. The Guidestone video will not play. There is a picture of a key on it. The other videos will play. Your video is locked or something.

    If you got another link with video, I would like to watch.

  9. Quote

    But you can watch it now

    I watched your video. Coming up with "KeNNeV" from (ReNo NeV.) is interesting and imaginative but probably just coincidence. You need more proof.

    Forget about cooper writing his name on the Ticket. Your the only one that thinks Kenny wrote on it. However, remember Cooper probably did get a carbon copy and might have tried to replicate some of the handwriting from the carbon copy if he did write any cooper letters.

  10. Quote

    90% of the time (or higher) its above freezing in the Portland
    area, according to the data. What few cold snaps occurred
    between 70 and 1980 were flanked by very warm temps (and
    rain quite often)

    This makes me wonder how long the money was at Tena's bar. The ever changing weather conditions and the pourous sand would cause the money to rapidly decay.

    Sometimes I wonder if the Fazio's are right. Their theory is the money had not been there long and was recently deposited with the tide.

    The area was a favorite fishing area and the money was found only 20 feet from the shore line to my understanding. Seems like someone would have stepped on the bundles or notice them.

  11. Quote

    Himmelsbach got all excited and called a
    press conferenece even before the Ingrams had met with the
    FBI! So what those media photos show is exactly what the
    Ingrams presented, in the form it arrived, in real time.

    RH didn't seem like your prototypical FBI agent. He seemed gung-ho and was/is opinionated..IMO

    Those photos of the money taken on Feb. 13, 1980 are some of the best unfiltered evidence we have. (general public)

    RH was set to retire on March 1, 1980. Maybe he thought the money find was some type of miracle, after many years of frustration with the Cooper case. I can imagine the excitement and the unusual? rush to
    let the public know.

    The Tena bar money was found "3 weeks" before RH was set to retire.

    Unless RH decided to retire after the Tena Bar money find.

    Feb 13, 1980 retirement article attached.

  12. Quote

    I thought you might be interested in this post made by ckret Nov 29, 2007...

    The money was packaged in varying amounts, so one bundle would have $500.00 another $1,000.00, there was no uniformity to it. I have been searching for the evidence report from the lab but have not found it yet, lots of files to go through. When I get it you'll be the second to know.

    Good Find Shutter! The Nov. 29, 2007 is consistent with the quote given by Ckret on April 1, 2008.... about 4 months later.

    An FBI agent quoted in the Feb. 13, 1980 Oregonian article also said the Bundles were random.

    Both of Ckrets statements, and the Feb. 13, 1980 FBI agent statement are consistent. The three statements are not consistent with what Tom Kaye posted from the FBI archives. (Each bundle had 2000 dollars)

    What's really odd. The Tena bar money find seem to more inline with what Tom pulled from the FBI archives and what Geoffery Gray wrote in his book "Skyjack" (Each Bundle was 2000 dollars, not random amounts) 3 Bundles found, $5800 identifiable dollars.

    Also, 3 bundles worth (6000 dollars) (300 SN's) found on each page of the FBI list of bills printed in the newspapers in 1976. 3 bundles later
    found at Tena Bar in 1980.


    Ckret Apr 1, 2008, 7:59 PM

    It is my understanding the money was wraped in rubber bands, no paper bands. the money was put together in different bill counts so it looked as if it was put together in a hurry.

  13. Quote

    The document summarizes Dr. Palmer's
    findings as per an INTERVIEW that was conducted with Dr.
    Palmer following his work at Tina Bar. So far as I know Dr.
    Palmer never issued a written report, but conducted an
    INTERVIEW with FBI agents following his work.

    Here is another article which includes FBI consultant Palmer. Picture shows Palmer in the FBI dug trench showing the layer of sand deposited by the dredge.

  14. Quote

    The document summarizes Dr. Palmer's
    findings as per an INTERVIEW that was conducted with Dr.
    Palmer following his work at Tina Bar. So far as I know Dr.
    Palmer never issued a written report, but conducted an
    INTERVIEW with FBI agents following his work.

    A few days after the Tena Bar money find, the Oregonian published an
    article about Palmer's opinions entitled

    "In Geologist's Opinion 'Cooper' money spent 8 years in the river"

    Palmer's opinions in attached article might be the same opinions
    he gave to FBI later. Article Attached.

  15. Quote

    that sounds like a question for Georger. there are 12 stacks there because the Ingram's took the bundle apart trying to clean them. I guess you are basically looking for a tan line correct.

    There might be a tan line on the most outer bills if they are still intact.
    The outer bills could have fallen off as they deterioriated and slipped away from the still intact rubberband.

    I imagine the outer most bills were blacken by the enviroment to the point of not being recognizable, but the inner bills were protected. The
    outer bills probably slipped away from the bundles as they disintergrated.

    Probably why they found only $5800.

    If there was only one rubberband holding the bills together than the bills would fan out and those bills would be subject to noticiable discoloration to the outer edges compared to the area bounded by the rubberband.

    Of course, if all the bills remained contained in the canvas bag for a lengthy amount of time the fanning action probably wouldn't happen.

    The water within the bag contributed to the bills sticking together along along with bundles of bills side by side compressing each other would substaintly eliminate fanning.

    When the 3 bundles became lose of the canvas bag (not long before they were found at Tena's bar). The deterioration of the outer bills dramatically increased.

    Bottomline>>> I don't think any of the outer bills from the 3 bundles were still intact when found at Tena's bar. The so called start/stop bills on the microfilm.

  16. Bryan Ingram says there were 3 bundles of money, each with a rubberband(s).

    The rubberbands crumbled to the touch. As far as I know they didn't
    turn to dust.

    My question is...

    Does anyone know how many rubberbands were on each bundle?

    Did the FBI collect the rubberband fragments into evidence?

    The 20 dollar bills I've seen don't reflect one rubberband securing the
    bundles in the middle.

    It seems there would be less discloration in the middle where the rubberband was and more toward the outer edges.

    Multiple rubberbands on each bundle would have kept the discoloration
    from the enviroment relatively even as seen in the picture attached.

    Any thoughts?

  17. Here is a somewhat accurate depiction of Cooper on the plane....

    According to "Unsolved Mysteries" Cooper told Tina Mucklow "now I want you to get up there with your bible" just before he jumped.

    Christianity wasn't known to be friendly to the gay lifestyle back then.

    From what I heard, even on the plane, Tina would ask passengers if they had been saved.

    1:50 into video Cooper sez


  18. Quote

    Marlboro Raleigh Bourbon whiskey rum coke Pepsi can you stop think in a straight line not a circle I think Curtis e is right some of you will never stop you don't want it to be over if you cant except DNA than you can't stop

    Read my posts. I'm here for the truth. Show me the truth.

  19. Ckret said in response to snowmman.....


    I agree with you about the center bills not being as decayed as the outer and that wet things stick together but the debate is academic because the rubber bands were found around the bundles.

    I'm wondering if the so-called stop/start bills (top/bottom) in each of the three bundles were legible since those were the two most exposed to the enviroment.

    If stop/start bills were legible that would suggest somehow the bundles were very well preserved in the enviroment for 8 years. If they had been in the enviroment for 8 years.

    IMO....Evidence from packet pictures, on Feb. 13, 1980 the FBI didn't have enough samples of bills to definitely say (as FBI agent said on Feb. 13) the bundles found at Tena bar are the same as when delivered to Sea-Tac on November 24, 1971.

  20. Quote

    Let's just say that at 2:30pm on a Thursday after six months
    exposed to the Cooper Effect they magically go "poof"! The Law
    of Rubber Band Cooper Extinction.

    I guess the rubber band serial number to bundle cross reference master list went poof too.

    Doesn't matter, the marked rubberbands serial numbers crumbled away to the touch.