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Posts posted by Frodo

  1. Wanted to see what y'all can say about train travel. I'm arriving in Milan mid-june and will have 5-7 days to see a little bit of Europe. I've bought a 4-country Eurorail pass good for Italy, Switzerland, France, and Benelux, which really makes it 6 countries.

    Will I need reservations on any trains? Will I need to pay for individual rides even if I have the pass? How are the sleepers and couchettes - are they worth getting or can I sleep in a regular seat?

  2. Me and a friend came up with what sounds like an interesting little puzzle. When you first hear it, you feel like the answer is too obvious to even bother with it. But then we realized we don't really know the answer. We have a couple of possible explanations, but nothing solid. I'll state it as clearly as I can.

    If a helicopter only has the main rotor operating, it will start spinning in the direction opposite to the rotor's. Basically that's explained with Newton's 3rd law -- the engine is exerting a force on the rotor, and in return the rotor exerts and equal and opposite force on the engine, and thus on the helicopter. The problem is solved by having the tail rotor, which compensates the helicopter's tend to spin up by generating lift in the opposite direction (horizontally). That's clear enough.

    Now, why doesn't a small airplane with a single propeller at the front spin up (around the propeller's axis), even though it doesn't have an equivalent of the helicopter's tail rotor? In other words, shouldn't the propeller's rotation force the airplane to start doing barrel rolls?

  3. Quote
    Thanks for the links. I was especially impressed with the woman's account of the incident in the Antarctic Sun. It's rare to see someone outside of the skydiving community trying in all honesty to understand the motivations, etc. Especially when strangers come to the place that you call home, and their actions result in three deaths and totally knock you out of your normal mental state and working routine.
    But then again, she is not a whuffo, she used to jump in the past. In any case it was nice to know there are very open-minded people out there.

  4. NPR Story

    The story is about 7 years old now, but I dont remember seeing a discussion of it here (and the search didn't turn up anything related) ... There are details that I'm wondering about.

    First, what do you think of the guy's account on what happened?
    He sounds pretty confident in their planning, he was very satisfied with their preparation and all. I'm sure they realized a south pole jump is not your typical skydive in many ways. And sure they knew about difficulties of visually judging your altitude in an area such as Antarctica. But in that case how could some of them choose not to have an AAD on this jump?

    The guy also says that when he realized the group got too low, he went for his reseve. I guess that's a good thing to do, if you can overcome your normal reflex of reaching back to pull your main. But later he praises AADs and says "it saved my life". So which one was it - did he himself or the AAD save his life?

    Is it common for people realizing they're too low to consciously choose to pull the reserve, in hopes of a faster opening (or to avoid a two-out)?

    One more: since the landing area was 9,000 ft MSL, is there a problem in using the AAD? Can this large an altitude correction be set on the Cypres?

  5. I got a nice surprise from my JM, right after my landing yesterday. He cleared me for solo jumping! I've got 11 jumps so far.
    Of course I need, and want, to do lots of coaching. What things should I focus on?
    Some important things that come to my mind, which must be learned first:

    * Packing
    * Canopy control - accuracy, better understanding of risers, crosswind/downwind landings, etc.
    * Good tracking skills
    * back-to-earth
    * 2-way RW
    * sit-flying

    In the long run I'm interested in wingsuits (among other things). Oh and of course I'd love to do night jumps (but i guess i need a B license so thats gonna be a while). I'm not that interested in big-ways, or mastering RW, although I understand that RW gives any jumper a solid base for whatever discipline they choose to progress in.

    Any thoughts on which of these I should focus the most? Thanks!

  6. Yes, I know about these tab archives (my favorites are and, but the thing is I'd like to see some particular song names, b/c I just can't think of more than a handful of songs that I like and aren't too difficult to learn (but not too easy either, i.e. not the Happy Birthday 'theme':)
    right now I can play some Santana, Metallica, Clapton and a few others, but these things are generally above my skill level.

  7. d'you know any nice/familiar and relatively easy to learn songs? i mean solos, rather than songs mainly consisting of chords. preferably for the electric guitar.

    examples of what I'm looking for:

    Metallica's "Bass and Guitar Doodle" from the Cunning Stunts
    American anthem (or another)
    Godfather theme
    Jimi Hendrix's "Voodoo Child" (ok not an easy one but memorable, even unique)
    Santana's "Europa"

    the only catch is there has to be a tab for it. (on or one of those websites)


  8. This was yesterday at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. The airshow which started in the morning was culminated (as far as i'm concerned) by 12 SEALs showing off their skills.

    What can I say - awesome stuff! Thanks guys!

    (pics were cropped or resized from 1470 x 980 to either 600x400 or 900x600, kepping the original ratio)

  9. Quote

    This was an assignment for a landscape class i took this semester. I just got around to scanning in the slides i got back after getting an A B|

    there are twelve shots so i won't bother going in depth on each of them. If you have a question or comment about them PLEASE DO SO!!!!:)

    imho only #8 and #10 are really good, the others are either too contrasty, not well composed, or just... well, not striking enough i guess. but good job on those two!

    BTW what film are you using? (i'm assuming it's not a digital camera, because #8 is in proportion 3:2 rather than 4:3, and chances are you didn't crop it)

  10. Same thing happened to me with Last summer I ordered a t-shirt, and they charged my card (they did it pretty fucking quickly, too!) but after that I waited a few weeks, emailed them but only got a response once - from their "customer service":S. after that - not a word. noone answered my phone calls or emails anymore.
    i didn't go nearly as far as you did in pursuing my money, though - $20 after all didn't seem worth the hassle.
    (which i guess is exactly the kind of reaction these people expect...)

  11. M, 19, just back from work, haven't eaten in a while, worried about my future, uncomfortable shoes... avg time 0.206

    enter Party Pooper:

    > Now this has what to do with skydiving?

    i.e., i wouldn't expect the distribution of our results *for this particular test* to be noticeably different from that of general population's.


    it also obviously has a set of "discrete" times that you get nearly always (.187, .203, .219, etc.) while you rarely get the numbers in between. is that a flaw/peculiarity/feature of java?

  12. Quote

    I don't know much about gymnastics, but he was robbed in the high bar. If I were Paul Hamm, I'd give my medal to Aleksei. Aleksei's routine was far more impressive than Paul and their landings were comprable.

    just my opinion.

    I also felt that Hamm should've said something like "Nemov won the gold today" during the interview. but he's already been under extra pressure and it has nothing to do with him anyway.

    The numbers (9.6, 9.65) were unfuckingbelievable, but what the judges did after they were rightfully boo'ed was simply an insult - they dropped two scores (9.6 & 9.8) in such a way that Nemov hasn't moved up the leader board. That's an insult to the russians. They'd better left the numbers unchanged.

    on a side note - does watching the olympiads make any of you wanna start training in a sport that's new to you? it does in my case!:)

  13. Quote

    I couldn't tell you specific places to stop at, but I drove from CA to OK a couple years ago and New Mexico was so beautiful just to drive through.:)

    Ok in case we don't have much time and we have to stick to "driving through" - is there a better route than i-40? i heard a quote once that went along the lines of "Thanks to the interstate highway system, it is now possible to drive from coast to coast without seeing anything". is i-40 scenic enough, or should we take some state highway that is more or less parallel to it?

    i'm pretty sure we'll have more time on the way back to TX, so we'll drop by some of the places y'all mentioned.

    ahh exciting shit! cos I haven't really been outside of tx, except once.