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Posts posted by DannyW

  1. There was a student that did get himself into that situation a while back at the dz and I am trying to run through everything in my head and practice the exit before the day to prevent it happening to me. the replys from the experienced people here like having less surface area on exit into the wind, and 10 seconds untill terminal where I should be stable by 5 anyway. It just eases my concerns.

  2. I am not far off doing my first hop and pops as part of my AFF, first from 5500 feet and the second from 3500, I was getting myself worked up over it with fear of a tail strike by exiting badly and had a few other concerns that have been cleared up in these posts on top of what has discussed between me and my instructors. It has helped a lot to take away some of the fear and now am looking forward to it.

  3. just go for it mate. once you do you will think "why the hell didn't I just do it earlier ?" I am doing my Aff course now and only done stage 4 so far but already all the stuff I was stressing over is gone, its all fun from here. as long as you can remember and put in practice the main things like proper exit, pulling on time and correct body positions you will pick up the small stuff as you get over your initial fear. Like the order of the verbal routines etc if your DZ does them.

  4. got 2 jumps in just before the weather came back, drop zone was quiet which is odd, so I got both in from the moment I got there after lunch. Wasn't any games going on but the instructors did fill me in on the instructions they were given by their boss "no more weird stuff" now if anything is weird to these guys it must be REALLY weird ;).

    Panda, cannot wait to try it out hopefully it won't be too long a wait

  5. I just completed stage 3 and 4 on the weekend and was stressing over the same thing, don't ! because if you do loose it just keep your box position and arch hard and you will level out even if you are on your back and if not they teach you the cat roll which is just tucking an arm and leg on the same side in to flip you back. flat spins would be a worry but the instructor will re-dock with you at any sign of loss of control and if you just stay relaxed you can usually stop it by turning the opposite direction. no big deal just keep height aware while all this is going on ! line twists are better then hitting the ground any day

  6. The start of the AFF is intensive on its ground training for good reason and it only gets easier and more fun ! don't stress too much on the small details if you miss a step of the routines they give you as they work out anything on the next couple, just don't forget to pull :D you have an advantage of jumping before even if it was a tandem you know what it feels like to get out of the plane

  7. hey, yeah you probably will ! sitting at a bench by myself giving the clouds a death stare haha. York is usually a pretty good spot as there is hardly ever wind and usually sunny but I can't wait to get my licence and start jumping all over oz but I think to celebrate a trip to Dubai would be the go

  8. Hey, great site this one ! a lot of good info and has answered a lot of questions I have had so far about my new favourite hobby turn lifestyle !

    My names Danny Wilkinson and I live in York, Western Australia, only have done AFF stage 1 and 2 so far and waiting on good weather to do stage 3 & 4 hopefully in the next couple of days.

    Keen to check out peoples photos and videos on here always helps with making the long wait for clear skys a whole heep easier