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Posts posted by NuclearCaffeine

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    Thanks for further replies! :)
    I have learned to pack, but for various reasons (mostly bad bad bad weather) i havent had a good chance to jump it and do tangle test.

    What I dont know is this: so I qualify to pack, how do I approach the DZ and ask if I can start to pack for other people if they have 2 super qualified packers there already???

    PS: i know that the only way to find out is asking, but the whole point of going on here and asking these questions is so that my actions have a foundation of logic/experience from advice. Rather than being cheeky (although that has granted some things in my life but not much ;))

    I admire your gung ho attitude. But everytime I read one of these threads it reminds me of the little kids that want to runaway from home to join the circuse.

    Unless you know the right people, or luck out and are at the right dz at the right time your going to be shoveling lots of animal shit before you get a chance to work in the big tent.

    Get your degree first.

    Thanks man! I do feel like I'll be a runaway kid as soon as i start being a professional in this sport (my family will hate me forever):)

    I understand that Ill be doing the dirty work to start with, but thats normal to be honest. I was wandering what sort of things they wanted/expected me to do before i start earning ratings.. Until I can earn enough jumps to do my ratings I dont want to be the DZ whore (excuse the expression). Because until I get jumping & packing experience, there is not much point doing much of the dirty work, people will just exploit my enthusiasm (although helping here and there suits me fine, Ive already helped out with some stuff), I want to bottle it to use it when Im on the right track to get my coach rating etc. ;)

  2. Thanks for further replies! :)
    I have learned to pack, but for various reasons (mostly bad bad bad weather) i havent had a good chance to jump it and do tangle test.

    What I dont know is this: so I qualify to pack, how do I approach the DZ and ask if I can start to pack for other people if they have 2 super qualified packers there already???

    PS: i know that the only way to find out is asking, but the whole point of going on here and asking these questions is so that my actions have a foundation of logic/experience from advice. Rather than being cheeky (although that has granted some things in my life but not much ;))

  3. Yeah I have to finish it regardless haha.

    Im just trying to find out what the professionals did when they were roughly my age (like what they worked as to fund their jumping, what they did at the DZ that proved an effective way to start in the sport professionally etc) you know?

    What would be your tips after I finish uni, I can speculate about it in my head, but I need some solid advice. I could ask my local DZ a bit more (I dont want to right now - i have very few jumps and further questions will start making me look absurd)

  4. well thats exactly my point, no students/customers = no pay. Its rare to find a DZ with pay/hour system.

    By lucrative I just mean no commodities that the "middle" classes etc can afford to buy and not use again, whereas I would have to budget every single dime.

    But as I said, id rather be less rich but do something awesome for the rest of my life, than live most of my life wishing i was doing what i loved you know?

  5. Hello (I apologize for this long ass post, but...)

    I am at the end of my second year at uni and have 1 left (Im 20). Started skydiving here at uni 2 years after a tandem. Ever since I started I knew this is now my favourite sport! :)
    However, with my uni work becoming increasingly boring, and with me losing interest in it because skydiving is in my head 24/7. I have realised that I would rather have a lucrative career that I absolutely fucking love, instead of a career where i want to work to jump all the time and live from 1 jump weekend to another. Even though i only have 50 jumps (just my A license so far) i can definitely say this interests me way more than any other career (including scuba diving for which i have a professional rating)

    I know that there are static line, AFF, Tandem instructors, riggers and packers, aerial photo/video graphers....etc

    What my main question is:[:/]

    How did you guys start in your professional career, and do you work a lot outside of it, what sacrifices have you made etc? (I have been told that you generally start off being a packer and gradually progress to videographer, then coach and eventually an instructor). To clarify I want to do video/tandem/AFF (static line is dying out apparently although Id love to do it since i qualified doing static line jumping start to finish!! :)
    I need people to explain how you can become a professional to sustain yourself (ie: id rather live at a DZ and skydive all day everyday till I die than do a lot of boring shit to postpone my dreams).

    Thanks :)