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Posts posted by QueenBee

  1. I'm not sure why some people are having problems with the pdf file while others are not, but I have attached both word and pdf forms for your convenience. If you are still having problems, feel free to call the DZ and register with Visa, MC, or Discover via phone.

    See Y'all Soon!
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  2. Quote

    $45 for late registration or $30 for early registration (Just like last year despite the higher fuel costs).


    I apologize, but I misinformed Todd earlier. The Late Registration is actually only $40.

    See Y'all Soon!
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  3. Quote

    does the registration cover the meal as well or is it extra?
    Just curious.

    Sorry, but the catered Prime Rib Dinner (with plenty of extras for any non-meat eaters :)
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  4. Quote

    For anyone who hasn't heard.....

    The Official Dates for the 6th Ags Over Texas Memorial Boogie is September 9-11.

    Aircraft: Skyvan from Eloy and our Grand Caravan

    Early registration forms should be out in the next 2 weeks.

    We will have the same caterer as last year. The Prime Rib will stay on the menu, but other items may change. Like last year, the menu will have something for vegetarians and something other than red meat.

    We are still finalizing organizers so I will keep you updated when I think I have a complete list.

    All I can think of right now.....


    ...and here it is, the AOTMB 2005 Early Registration Form...

    We look forward to seeing y'all soon!!!
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  5. Sorry Sunny,

    I don't have it set up to fill in online. You'll have to print it, fill it in, then fax or mail it by tomorrow (Friday!).

    See ya soon!
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  6. Quote

    You can bet on it. I will be there with bells, whistles and other assorted items on!
    The first few cases are on me!

    Hmmmmmm, wonder what falls under "assorted items"....:)

    Lookin' forward to seeing you again!!
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  7. Quote

    Yay! *filling out pre-reg form* See ya Friday.:)

    Just a reminder to everyone on the list, Friday is the LAST day for Early Registration!!
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  8. Quote

    Watch it, Todd, or I'll pack you in my canopy.

    Be careful Kris, you don't want your canopy blown out again do you? **ask anyone who was at the DZ last Sunday about the overwhelming scents of garlic which filled the plane...and manifest...and...everywhere else Todd went :D:D:D
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  9. I got the phone call today. Sounds good, maybe the plane will break down on Sunday night and you guys have to stay ;)

    PM me and let men know when you guys will be coming into town.
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  10. Quote

    Should we run an AD: Really Hard, Looking for good help.

    If you run this add, does that mean you won't be coming home tonight???

    If you run this add, you are NOT coming home tonight!
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  11. Quote

    What??? Don't tell me you didn't get the memo.

    It's REALLY hard to find GOOD help these days [:/]

    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  12. Quote

    Turtle, you heard the WOMAN, send her flowers......

    'Cause obviously you are wrong......

    Right or wrong....he is still all talk....:P
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  13. Quote

    24 days remaining till the Perky comes home boogie

    Damn, I had them put AOT Memorial Boogie on the front of the shirts...oh well
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  14. Sorry I missed you Mike, guess that means you have to come back :P
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  15. Quote



    [Jumping up and down]:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

    Me, too! Me, too! (see bottom picture on pg 38 and last paragraph under "In Recognition" on pg 41)

    Congratulations, Turtle!!!! and thanks to Eric Boyd and everyone else on my Tandem SCR load!...especially my sexy Tandem Instructor ;)
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  16. If there are any non-beer drinkers (like myself) at Duddley's on Friday night, they will need to let me know, and I am sure that I can get free soft drinks for them...

    BTW, I am looking forward to meeting all of you Aggieland *newbies*!!
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  17. Sorry, I just read AggieDave's post and realized I only answered half of your question...
    we are hoping to be able to sponsor at least one TAMU Skydiving Club Member's trip to Collegiate's this year with the proceeds from the raffles!
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  18. "Special" Raffle tickets are $5 each and include items such as the custom Freefall Accessories Alimeter with Skydive Aggieland's logo on the face, several 30-35% of gear, a couple of $50 gift certificates to Para-Gear, group tours at our own Messina Hof winery (2 miles from the DZ), etc...

    "General" Raffle tickets are $1 each and include items such as free meals at local restaurants, tours for 2 at Messina Hof, a free copy of the Boogie video (to be compiled by turtlespeed), and anything else we manage to scrounge up before the boogie...

    The prices for raffle tickets are listed below:

    Special Raffle
    Early Reg: 1 for $4 or 6 for $20
    Late Reg: 1 for $5 or 6 for $25
    General Raffle
    Early Reg: 1 for $0.75 or 6 for $4
    Late Reg: 1 for $1 or 6 for $5
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  19. Registration Fee includes: one (1) AOT Memorial Boogie 2004 Kick-@$$ t-shirt, one (1) $5 Special Raffle ticket, and entry to the 5th Annual AOTMB Kickoff Party at Duddley's Draw Friday night with FREE Beer to anyone (of legal alcohol consuming age) wearing the AOT Memorial Boogie 2004 Kick-@$$ t-shirt!

    Saturday Night Dinner (a catered affair) will be $10 each...
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.

  20. Thanks Everyone!

    Sorry I didn't get online to see these wishes til today, but I've been working on AOTMB!!!!

    See you there!

    (We'll miss you, SunnyDee!)
    Queen "B"
    Skydive Aggieland, Inc.