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Posts posted by grmvine

  1. Hi,
    I remember you from Pope Valley!
    Jumped with Jeannie...great lady and fun!

    I still live in Napa Valley not farm from Pope.

    You had the best description by far and away of our beloved Jeannie...

    Amazing to see your post even though 2 years old.

    Greg Melanson

    My wife died on road to Pope Valley in 1980...she had 60+ just never know how it is going to end...RIP is best you can hope for.


  2. Hi Madjohn
    Think it was a leg strap deploy from a relatively new Security rig called the BASIC...related to the UNIT 7 cell. Had a similar issue at Eagle Field shortly after Jeannie died and while sorting out issue decided to pull reserve rather than F with it...very low opening on reserve resulting in a severly broken ankle... ask Ray F he was on jump! back in 1981...early

    I fly the jump planes from time to time with Ray.

  3. I jumped with Jeanie at Pope Valley a few times...was a new and inexperienced jumper. She was very positive and supportive of new jumpers...not to mention she was a very attractive mature woman (long time ago and I was recently married skydiving with my wife who Jeannie was very good to,btw) Was not there the day she died but I had a very similar malfunction on the type of rig she jumped...hand deploys from your leg strap were relatively new then...still involved in skydiving but not like before.

    Had not seen Jeanni's name in years.
