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Posts posted by Hiccup

  1. Hi All,
    Ok so i did my first 14,000 skydive on Saturday. After arriving at the centre at 815am in the pouring rain i knew we'd be in for a long day. The waiting around was the worst bit.

    Left to go for coffee and after drinking a pint of latte i suddenly thought "hmm this might not be such a good idea!" finally the rain stopped and cloud cover eased up slightly so the jumps began, we were plane number 6 so still a couple more hours to wait... (14 stops to the loo... nerves really get to you huh!) got called up to meet my instructor and after asking how many jumps he'd done i got "well, 2... since the accident... limbs everywhere wasn't good" thankfully he was joking... so i knew i'd be in good hands. Got onto the plane and by this point i was oddly calm... nice smooth journey up....

    then the door opened.... and before i had time to realise what was happening, i was out! Was an amazing experience but i have to say freefalling for me was terrifying i found it so hard to get my breath.

    I'd like to thank everyone on here, for all the advice, words of support and comfort, i honestly think talking to you all on here gave me so much comfort when it came to the big day.

    I've managed to raise £1400 for the hospice that looked after my Dad so i'm extremely proud.


    (for anyone that would like to read about it)

    thank you all

    Char xxx

  2. With only 5 sleeps to go i'm starting to fret... it has helped listening to everyone on here but i don't think im going to be able to control the nerves on the day... Youtube videos of dives from the centre are helping me, along with the fact that everyone involved in this sport seems to be so kind and helpful!

    Considering taking some rescue remedy the night before so i get a good night sleep. Re' eating on the day is a chocolate bar a bad idea? just thinking i could do with keeping my sugars up.

    I've been dieting since i signed up for my jump and have lost around 20kg yet im still only 10kg off the maximum weight for the centre i'm jumping at. Having stupid dreams about harnessess failing now! :S

  3. Morning all,

    Sorry to gatecrash your forum.

    After wanting to do a jump for several years i'm finally doing my first Tandem at 10,000 feet next week for a local chartiy that looked after my dad before he passed away. It was always a keen interest of my dads so i'm doing this in memory of him.
    Only thing is i am so very very nervous. I wondered if anyone had any coping strategies or words of advice? My fear isn't the actual being in the air but the leaving the plane! I feel sick even thinking about it at the moment and i really don't want ti to ruin the day.

    Thank you
