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Posts posted by PalmSky

  1. Quote

    LOL he goes from wide awake to unconscious instantaniously. :D

    In a way it's a mockery with no offense intended. It really left me feeling good, funny couple, nice but it highlighted for me how quickly a person with an underlying medical condition may be adversely effected by unexpected g-forces although perhaps anyone could also experience this unexpectedly so I also see the benefit of using an AAD.

    Interesting that he spoke of not feeling his legs prior to losing conscious and tried to fight it but then lost it.

  2. Quote



    Yeah right. Skydive435

    And vortexer1

    How many screen names does it take to screw in a JVX?

    I bet if I ever met you in real life I would be impressed and like you, on this forum you and most others that need it to breath daily, you're all judgmental dicks. Don't take offense, you know this to be true. This web site sucks for all but about 60 people. The same people that have been here for the past ten years.

    As the sport grows worldwide this website/forum declines in user contributions. Why? Because of the dicks that need it to breath daily. to me is the ugly-side of skydiving.

    Several instructors told me 10 years ago, don't listen, don't know, don't read what is on best advice I never followed.

    Real curious how many skydivers this website/forum has driven away from the sport.

  3. Quote

    So i had a bad outcome about 8 months ago. Just a bad /low turn and messed my knee up. Been about 8 1/2 months since my last jump. Ill admit , kinda nervous. Not sure if i bust out a 720 :) j /k... Probably just land normal and get comfortable. This was my fist and only injury that required me to take time off. Just wanted to get others opinions on how i should come back and approach thevsituation. Ill be jumping in Hawaii tmro... Any advice would be great. Kinda feel like im starting over :/

    Relax, you'll never meet the assholes that occupy this forum in real life, and if you do they are much nicer people in person. Enjoy one jump and see where it takes you.

  4. Quote



    Well on that note...

    We just ordered 2 brand spankin' new AAD's.
    I'm pretty sure I'm also converting my RSL to a Skyhook.


    I jumped without an AAD for 18 years, but I have had them in all my rigs for 14 years. My life is worth $1000 bucks.

    Yes but I'll bet you wouldn't hesitate to jump without one if the need ever arose. Lots of device dependent folks now.

    device dependent? the cost of my life is much more important than the cost of a brand new rig and all of it's associated components.

    Do you pay for auto insurance? and if so what are your premiums for the year? do you pay it willing or complain about being insurance dependent?

    Lot's of smarter people now. I'd give up any yearly income figure in exchange for my life as a cost well worth it.

    I don't think cars had seat-belts 32 years ago, maybe lap belts, not 3 point seatbelts. I'm seatbelt dependent.... simply because it's a wiser decision.

  5. Quote

    Are the veteran jumpers on the load annoyed with constant hop and pops because of the extra time it takes or is it generally liked because of the extra space? I just get the feeling that if I buy a hop and pop block and do one on every jump people will start to get annoyed with me... or am I just tripping?

    you be tripping :P

  6. Quote


    I don't use an aad but it seems like it would be safer for those things to fire at 1000 ft. I guess it could cause more two outs but I would rather have two out than one at line stretch.

    Your post gives me an excuse to follow up on a post in the original thread.
    On that thread I Posted on post #130:

    How about raising activation heights to 1500 feet for students and 1000 feet for expert .. add extra margin of safety. why 750 feet ? hang on I think mr Booth has already raised this !!
    I replied:

    "When you understand the problem you will understand that raising the altitude will not help. Those reserves wouldn't open in 2000 feet.
    If you can't get the bag out of the container you can't get the canopy out of the bag."

    From that post I recieved several PM's asking why I thought that way. I answered with references to the balance of evidence. However I failed to refer to the best proof, "the eye in the sky". for that I make amens here by reposting the fololowing link:

    I've wondered about your cryptic commentary for a couple days now. I'm tired of the guessing game. Is it the container? The reserve pilot chute? The construction of the reserve pack tray, the size of the reserve in the container or none of the above. I'll not send you a PM but what exactly are you saying?

    Does anything you've commented on have anything to do whatsoever with this incident? ....and if so, how and why?

    The video I'd classify as an isolated incident, with two jumpers, jumping different gear it's even more of an anomaly.

    Factually the distance of the two jumpers in relation to where they landed leads me to believe they were both very close, almost hands on. For student and instructor to travel from iceland I'd think the instructor thought he wasn't going to lose a student at zhills.

  7. Quote

    There are two general mysteries in this incident. The first is what caused them to not deploy at a normal safe altitude. I don't think we will learn any lesson we didn't already know when that cause is identified. (Likely it will be one or more of: be altitude aware, be healthy when you jump, avoid collisions in the air, fly stable, don't bump your head on the way out the door, don't chase a student below 2K, etc.)

    But a second issue is why both impacted at a fatal speed, despite both having AAD's that apparently did fire. A solo instance can easily be understood as due to some known weakness (container with unusually high reserve extraction forces, misprogramed AAD, poor gear maintanence, PC hesitation due to non-optimum body position, etc) But the two together suggests a common cause that may be unique to this incident.

    From the gear the student was wearing he appeared to be a big guy. A big guy going unstable has the free-fall speed of someone going head-down. Two jumpers together may skew the cypress data due to the burble they are both creating.

    I would really like to see the cypress data, they must have been extremely close when the parameters for cutter activation where achieved. It's extremely unwise to for an Instructor to chase a student that low but they do get drawn into it.

    Over the past couple years there has been an acceptable general train of thought given to increasing the activation height of an AAD. Some of the old farts on here know what I mean about dirty low pullers.

    With pattern traffic & canopy collisions I think a general trend of increasing deployment altitude overall is a wise move forward that has been taking place. I prefer to have my cypress2 set at 1200 in expert mode, however I never ever want to see it.

  8. Quote


    and the Macbook line....don't even get me started on those overpriced machines...

    Really? My son is in the market for a new laptop and wondered if he should save up for a Macbook Pro. I'd love to get you started on why they're not worth it!

    Once you use a Mac you'll never go back. :P

    The list is nearly endless in the operating system faults of a PC compared to a Mac. Overall, ease of operation and reliability matched with the best quality, hands down MacBookPro beats any PC out there. I've almost forgotten how to use a PC and I don't even care to learn.
    Windows8... it look elementary.

    I'm waiting for the 17" retina screen MacBookPro to be released. :) Specifications of the new models do not exceed what I currently have. Other than being thinner and lighter. The iMac is imo the best system out there.

    I think Steve Jobs was a visionary that is not easily replaced.

  9. It appeared she needed much shorter control lines on her reserve. At one point when she is at 1200-800 feet she looks up at the reseve while going from deep brakes and it appears the trailing edge of the reserve canopy does not even appear to have been effected by the prior deep toggle inputs. Extremely sluggish. From the assessment of gear it looks like it's a hodge·podge of mis-matched used gear. I'd say that reserve is unfit equipment. I hope that reserve it is not repacked in any rig any longer. :S

    I've only landed my pdr which has been excellent.

  10. Quote

    If you follow the 2-way in the video you can see them in frame on the rights side for quite a while, so as far as I can see the two (!!!) skydivers below him are not the ones from the 2-way you see at the beginning.

    if it's clipped at :23 it appears the two way goes spinning out of frame, as if the guy videoing went lateral down the line of jump run. Then at :32 & :36 you see even lower jumpers.