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Posts posted by trusty

  1. Kind of leaning to the middle 5 cells being one colour as I would like to see about getting my business logo on it somehow. They really should be white but don't want a mostly white canopy if I can't get the logo on. Anyone know about any process that will allow a logo to be applied to an already manufactured parachute. Sounds like it may be a airbrush job if there is a product that has good colours, is sprayable and most importantly won't harm the fabric. is the logo.
    any ideas

  2. We've been to the US 3 times in the last 2 years. 2nd best country in the world. Love it. Happy to have the same flag colours as you guys. Besides, you fellas all know we are always there to help you out when you need it. Which colours do you like. Kind of leaning to the bottom right.