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Posts posted by saly

  1. Apart from the regulatory stuff it is quiet simple. You could even do it yourself if you have the equipment and materials and so long as you put shielding on. (Disclaimer:-DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME PLEASE!)

    I think the objective is to wipe the new kids off the block so I doubt that other brands will help out.

    Watch this space MarS M2 will be facing all of this in the future too.

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  2. The general consensus is just the Argus cutter is the problem.

    There is a quick fix and if Aviacom's oposition were true gentlemen they would facilitate in the best interests of safety. Many people will for the near future will be jumping without AAD's till there is a fix or they replace with another brand.

    Fit the Argus connector to one of the opposition's cutters. But this will never happen.

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  3. I put this glove together and use it mainly for stills as we use 3rd eye camera for tandem on most tandems.

    I also put together a foot mount, which also works well

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  4. I think this is it in plain English.

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  5. From a tandem master and a wingsuit pilot.

    Plan your dive dive your plan, no surprises, mutual consent from both parties. and dont come near me on a tandem with less than 100 wingsuit jumps and I know your skill level!

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  6. When operating from aircraft without a door, I attach at least one lower if the passenger is near (C182/C206U) the open door on the ground.

    Other considerations is the space in the aircraft if you have larger passengers and using handcam if you connect on the ground or start connecting earlier.

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  7. DON'T DO IT

    You stand a good chance of killing the pilot if he snaps his rotor mast from an asymetrical tandem exit

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  8. An old thread;page=unread#unread

    Seen this before could be hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar.

    GEt it checked out.

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  9. I agree about the great service from Alti-2, just got my rebuilt/new Neptune back today.

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  10. I am looking for my old Paraflight manuals for Cruiselite and swift reserves.

    Remember the saying from the patch on the right riser..."Paraflight makes it right" when hooking a canopy up.

    Call it a trip down memory lane?

    Even had Stratostar manuals!!!

    I lent them out to a candidate rigger years back, not sure If I got them back.

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  11. If I get a chace I will dig around for my old ( circa 1988) notes for packing courses.

    On older F111 canopies and even earlier PD type canopies a flat pack was great. There were a number of types.

    The first is what was called the conventional pack which was the flat packed reserve pack adjusted to open slower. Nose up and between B on A, C on B, D on C, breaks stowed, slider up as Scott said, Lines cleared and tail flaked and center cell dressed around.

    Then the roll pack which is pretty much what the OP described.

    Then there were a number of variation of the two.

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  12. Thanks John

    I will look into the details of the threads you posted, could well be the problem.

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  13. Wo be careful, I said recently I had gone 2680 jumps since my last chop and had two in a row shortly there after

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  14. The first course of action is to determine that your helmet is hung up either by feeling by sweeping your hand or that your head is yanked at an odd angle then choose, hook knife, helmet cutaway or main cutaway.

    This argument is much like telling a some one in a crw wrap what to do, its case specifc.

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  15. Have you considered that if your helmet is hung up in the lines that when you cut away your main, you may very well hang yourself and break your neck.

    Cutting away the helmet means that it will be pulled clear of your head when you cutaway the main.

    Just a thought

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  16. Giving my age away but first was in the eighties between 200 and 300 jumps. Then state of the art was a VHS recorder (yes you heard right) mounted with a cutaway on a chest strap and an umbilical cable to a camera mounted on an open faced motor cycle helmet.

    We then graduated to a compact VHS handy cam.

    Once you have jumped those set ups, the new small cameras are a breeze

    If you don't have wings you will never fly

  17. There is good reason for limits to down sizing canopies, getting tandem ratings, jumping camera, becoming and instructor, doing display jumps, flying wingsuits etc etc. The rules are written in blood from experiance and not the refuge of a select few skygods.

    There is such a fine line between success and failure. We recently lost a very talented and highly experiance instructor because of that fine line. After you have buried a few friends your attitude will change.

    Glad you lived

    If you don't have wings you will never fly