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Dropzone Reviews posted by muffninja

  1. Not long back from my skydiving in FFU and i have to say FFU is by far the better jump zone and one that i will be making a lot more visits to and will be recommending strongly to other people.
    Their professional approach to how they train their AFF students is second to none, and even after u've passed they are always talking to you to see if ur getting on well and offering any help then can.. And for fun jumpers you will have no problem getting jumps as the put an extra plane up if its a busy day.. And unlike some places ur not a second choice to tandem

    Darren was one of my instructors along with stevo and showed me a very high standard of instruction, helped as much as possible making me feel welcome and at ease every step of the way.
    In a nutshell, i would strongly reccomend The Freefall Univercity to anyone who is/wants to become a skydiver, have a great time and enjoy the skies!

    Please give my thanks to all instructors at the drop zone, much respect and i hope to see them soon.