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Posts posted by Captcha

  1. Quote


    I would advise...

    Based on what? Anecdotal experience? Professional medical training and/or experience? Neither your post nor your profile reveal this. Please specify.

    Based on treating 100s of patients and running a Physical Therapy department for the last 7 years. :)

  2. Hello Everyone,

    Just jumped and passed my AFF Lv5 two days ago and as I am recalling the jump, I'm catching myself grinning from ear to ear while tapping both my feet on the floor....I might be developing a problem :D

    Kind Regards,


  3. Hello Matt

    As a general rule, as long as you do not have any radiating symptoms or weakness in your extremities, surgery is not necessary. If you do decide to go surgery route, they have a descent success rates with cervical discs, but not so much with lumbar...either way I would advise against it until you have exhausted other options.

    I wouldn't worry too much about it, as there is a very good chance that your pain is muscular in nature and can be taken care of with some soft tissue modalities and traction in conjunction with exercises and/or anti-inflammatory medication.
    As for treatment duration, it can last between 2-8 weeks...though if you keep the area in descent physical shape, you can prevent pain from reoccurring.

    Hope that helps

    P.S. Also, flaring properly and avoiding low turns is advisable ;)