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Posts posted by adobelover

  1. Bought a brand new Triathlon a few years ago and pro packing it sucked big time. Learned to psycho pack that slick puppy & never went back. No line twists and I do triple check my pilot chute to make sure it's cocked :-)
    No reserve rides as of yet!

    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  2. I'm not an instructor but good for you! I was 49 when I did my first Static Line class. And yes I had a steep learning curve. Had never seen anyone sport jump before and didn't even know they did that for fun. Had only heard about Army jumping under rounds from my hubby...for 18 years! I only have a little over 200 jumps now but it's the coolest thing I have ever done and will keep doing it at long as I am physically able! I just wanted to encourage you and wish you Good Luck!

    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  3. I have an older Tri 220 with the 4.0 Mod and a 2 year old 190. LOVE the Tri and will probably never jump anything else but I'm older and a conservative jumper...I agree with everything popsjumper said! :)


    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  4. Quote

    I have a pilot 168 that I also am struggling to get into the bag. I have not tried psycho packing yet because I have read that I need a bridle extension placed between the canopy and D-bag before doing this. You say that you psycho pack your canopies. Do you have that extension or is it ok to just to pull the ring out as you are rolling the canopy?

    It's not imperative to have an extension, I've packed without one and I have friends that Psycho pack and don't use's just a whole lot easier and less likely to cause a problem to use one...your rigger can make one and install it for a few bucks. I have extensions on both of my canopies and I still Psycho pack.

    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  5. Quote

    I have the same problem... Tri from 04' and its so slippery that it makes me dread packing the damn thing. The only explanation that I've been given is that it must be from an extra slippery batch of the already slipper S,.african ZP. My fiance has a Pilot, and he said his was NEVER that slipper. My tri has about 75 jumps on it now and he said its more slippery now than his was with 0 jumps on it. Frustrates me to the point where I am kind of shopping around for another canopy. [:/]

    It's a 135...just shake it out and pour it into your D bag! ;) I'm just kidding...but jealous 'cause it's a lot smaller than mine. [:/] You should give the Psycho pack a try. B|

    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  6. Quote

    I guess even skydivers have a good sense of humor. LOL.
    I guess I am interested in doing it for the "feeling" , I think I am 50/50 on it right now. I was looking for replies like: "Hell man do it" or the "You only live once" or "My grandmother jumps stop being such a ...." things like that.

    Okay Junior, if it'll make you feel better about it...I'm a grandma, 56 years old and have 200+ jumps. I learned on Static Line and I've never done a tandem. Yes, I was scared shitless at first but skydiving is the coolest thing I've ever done and I've done a LOT of cool things in 56 years!:ph34r:

    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  7. I have two Tri's, a '96 model that can easily be flat, pro or psycho packed...and the '06 which was slippery as hell when new and the ONLY way I could get it in the bag was to psycho pack it...I'm old with bad knees so I still psycho pack both canopies. :D


    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  8. IMO this was excessive force...I was under the impression that the Tazer is supposed to be used to put someone resisting arrest, DOWN on the ground, to control them. After receiving multiple shocks, which is dangerous anyway, I do not know how anyone is supposed to stand up and walk anywhere. Cop should have just called for backup first, for the extra muscle to pick up Mr. Buckley and put him in the car. Buckley clearly has some mental issues.

    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  9. Husband jumped while in the Army...blah, blah, blah for 18 years I had to listen to him recall how much he enjoyed the experience and he wanted to jump again. It just scared me...I hate heights. Swore I'd NEVER jump out of an airplane, HA. Did my research online...liked all the backup's etc. so for our 18th anniversary I signed us up for Static Line class. I was totally terrified on the first jump. That was 5 years and 200+ jumps ago. You CAN teach an old dog new tricks! :D


    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  10. We just got Showtime last month and I caught this show accidently...I think it a summertime replacement series kinda like HBO's Six Feet Under. Have watched the first two seasons and we like it a lot. In the process of watching the 3rd season courtesy of Netflix.

    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  11. I belong to They'll send you an e-mail up to a month in advance for repacks, batteries & AAD's on your gear, for free. B|


    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  12. Who'd have ever guessed it but in May of this year, we were extremely fortunate to have Luigi Cani give a 2 day canopy control class in Siloam Springs, Arkansas at Skydive Skyranch! And THEN for the Grand Finale, he entertained us all by flying that itty bitty teatowel he calls a canopy! It was awesome!!:D


    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  13. Hang in there...I fly a Tri and had the same problem...for one thing, if it's an older Tri you should have the 4.0 Mod done, it really improved the flare on mine. If you've already done that or if it's a newer Tri, nevermind! Do get your landings on video. It was amazing and embarrasing to see myself do the "marionette" thing. I almost always butt slid my landings. That was a bad habit and REALLY hard to break. When I started flaring earlier and slower, concentrated on making my legs stay down while I was flaring AND finishing my flare...voila...stand up landings. Good luck.

    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  14. I have OLD bones and 2 Triathlons...a 1996 220 with the 4.0 mod done last year (this makes a huge difference in the flare) and a brand new 2006 190 which was a real bitch to pack at first until I started Psycho packing. I LOVE my Tri, it's a good all round canopy and should fly very much like the Spectre!

    Old age ain't no place for sissies!

  15. Quote



    that would be unconstitutional.

    Well that's "rich"...for the last eight years, George W. Bush and his cronies tried to ignore it...then walked on it, spit on it, wadded it up and then put the Constitution in the shredder!

    So now you want to continue doing the same thing with your boy in charge? I thought he wanted "change" for the better? Or do you want to criticize it when Repubs do it, and then turn around and do the same thing yourself when it is to your
    own benefit? Which is it? Why do you love mud bricks?

    NO John...that's not what I said or meant...I just think it's kinda "funny" (strange funny) that the Constitution has been ignored/defiled for the last 8 years by a certain party whom shall remain nameless to protect the guilty...and now all of a sudden it has deep meaning for some people. I really don't believe the president elect (and BTW he's not my BOY...I only have one boy and that would be my SON) has any intention of dancing on or around the Constitution or I wouldn't have voted for him and I AM a Constitution voter! IMO this story about Obama not being a legitimate U.S. citizen is just more smoke and mirrors, again! I'll share a well kept secret with you...for 10 years I was the Headquarters Manager of the Greene County REPUBLICAN Central Committee of Missouri...I was a National Delegate at the Kansas City Convention AND I attended Ronald Reagan's Inauguration. I think that shows I'm not biased against any particular party. I'm what you could call a flip-flopper because I've changed my mind about a LOT of things. I finally recognize the stupidity of some of my actions back in my younger years!
    My user name actually indicates my love of Doberman Pinchers. :P

    Old age ain't no place for sissies!