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Posts posted by dahlem

  1. Hello!

    I thought this thread had a cool video showing wind tunnel progression. Mind you he did this in 20 hours of time.


    Think like this.. everyone learns at a different pace. The first goal is usually getting stable, and then you can learn everything you need for AFF :)
    My personal experience was that I got belly-fly proficient within about 30 mins. However, for some people it might be double or half the amount of time. I don't recommend flying for more than 10-15 minutes at a time when you first start.. and 2 minute rotations for your block has been the best for me.

    Just get instruction from the tunnel staff and have a good time.. you will learn more if you relax and enjoy yourself!;)

  2. Here are some things that I've learned with tunnel time. Tunnel is not required to do AFF, but it can be very helpful. 4 minutes is not a lot in the tunnel.. some people get a stable position right away, and some take 10 to 20 minutes of flight or more.

    The key is to relax and have fun. Listen to what the instructors tell you. The more you are worried or tense and not having fun the less you will learn!

    As for learning previous to going into the tunnel, when I want to learn something new I go to the IBA youtube channel and watch the videos (and maybe practice a move out of the tunnel) but then go in and listen to what the instructor is teaching me.


    Make sure you don't watch too many videos. Maybe watch up to video 3.

    Anyways, have fun and let us know how it goes! As with anything in skydiving the more time the better...