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Posts posted by ChelseaFCfoLIFE

  1. Hi I Would like to ask a fee questions as I want to start skydiving frequently,
    I ruptured my eyeball 2years back (choroidal rupture and subretinal hemorhage) and have blurred vision would skydiving and the pressure worsen my problem?
    The reason I ask is , I went up on a plane as a PAX to get a feel and on decent it felt like my eye wanted to explode and I had blurry vision(more than normal) for 2 days . The pilot explained that the plane does not pressurise as quick as the body so that's why I had pain/discomfort, he also said if I skydive my body will pressurise quicker and I will not have pain/discomfort.
    I went to my Opthamologist and he said my eye is fine and vision is improving. But he never gave me a CLEAR "YES" or "NO" to jump and feels I should take up another Sport but anything could affect my EYE. Please do Give feed back as I would like to Jump Soon. And my eye is getting better so I don't want to stop that.B|