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Posts posted by Ifrinn

  1. I dont know if I'm wrong here, but I think what most of the people want to say is that the UN is unsuccessful in achieving their main goal which is to prevent war. There too many examples, where the decisions of the UN were ignored and a war was started.
    The UN does a good job in achieving peace after a war, also the UNICEF, and most of the other org. under the UN.

  2. I've been to several places in spain. Such as the Ebro delta, near Barcelona. Which is nice, however it is getting more and more just a littel tourist village. Otherwise there is the small town Conil, about an hour towards south from Sevilla, there are like no tourists, this mainly means there are no germans ;)! Nice little town, nice restaurants, with good original spain food. Also you can easily visist the countryside from there, if you have a car, which is very nice!!:)I've been once to Lorret de Mar (not sure if right spelling), near Barcelona, about an hour, with the car. It is hell, just tourists, the young people completely drunk around 3 o'clock.

  3. I dont want to critise your point, true the USA is the only country (& Britain, and some others like Poland)doing something against the terrorism. However there is a statement people sometimes should consider.
    "Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity"

  4. I kinda disagree with the question, because I consider myself anti-bush but defiantly not anti-american. I see a huge difference here! A normal person can not be against all the people and culture of a country, however you can disagree with the government in charge.

  5. standing for Universal Mobile Telecommunications System", our mobile network system are currently overloaded, so a new one was accepted.
    It said that in 2004 about 50% of the people are using it.
    "As a key member of the "global family" of third generation (3G) mobile technologies identified by the ITU, UMTS is the natural evolutionary choice for operators of GSM networks, currently representing a customer base of more than 747 million end users in over 180 countries and representing over 70% of today's digital wireless market [source: GSM Association]."


    Worldwide they agreed to us the same system, except the US. [:/]

  6. The thing is, we think that the US sometimes first should look at themselves and then try to teach other countries how they have to be!!
    A point I understand but don't really get is why is the US so concerned about the things going on on the other side of the world? Don't understand me wrong please, it's only a question!
    Turkey ... well I thing to understand that, you should know a bit about the history ... and especially the numbers of turkish people. We do have problem with them .. you can compare it in a way with the problems the US is having with Mexicans.

  7. It's going to be very interesting when the truth about the French, German and Chinese involvement with helping Saddam Hussein develop longer range missiles and some of the other technology than he's not allowed to have under the U.N. sanctions, starts to come out.

    Just because they don't agree with Bush, and obviously they got their reasons, they are compared with Hussein, a terrorist.

    You've got a nice sarcastic tone ...

    You are not dependent on Iraq's oil, so is Europe. So why are we called terrorist when we try to get a solution, a solution not called war?
    Nobody is saying there should be done nothing, but war isnt always the only answer.

  8. fact, the US is the most powerful country, they are in a way responsible for thinks going on in other countries. and they react and help.
    But sometimes I think the US doesn't support the right country, or the right way, however this is a point of view.
    They look for their own interest, doesn't matter if another country is going to suffer.
    The US tries to teach other countries how to be, sometimes they should first look at themselves before correcting somebody else.
    Being the most powerful country also means being a model.

  9. If the US interests were so blind, we would be inclined to continue working with Iraq, regardless of who was in power, and what they were doing to their population.
    question: who is placing so many embargos on Iraq?

    Why do we punish the inhabitants when we have to punish the dictatorship of a country?

  10. Talking about terrorism. The US is having the power to destroy the earth four times (correct me if the number isn's right). I personally predict that Hussein is having biological weapons, the question is: is Hussein having the power to destroy the earth four times?
    Thats something more and more people are thinking here in Europe, particularly Switzerland, who protects us from such a powerful country like the US?
    I don't wanna say there shouldn't be done anything, but I say Bush's way isn't the right and especially not the only one, how it can be solved.