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Posts posted by freeflajankie

  1. Hey,

    The Vision is a new design.
    If you look at the #2's on the "regular" wings you will see that they are split up so you can have 2 colors.
    The riser covers are also improved.

    I'm updating the website as we speak with new pictures and the new order form and hopefully It will explain it more.

    For now I hope that will help.

    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  2. Thanks for the tips.

    She didn't get any treats after she was bad.
    I was smoothing her up before we went out.

    My plan was to do some groundwork, since obviously riding her at that point wasn't going to happen. But I simply couldn't get her out of the damn barn.

    I'll definately look in to that Video, thanks:)

    This is definately hard work, but I'm sure it will be rewarding once we get to know eachother better and work each other out.

    Anyway again, thanks for all you guy's tips :)
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  3. Ok, I went out to the horse after work, and she came right up to me and she was very sweet and it seemed like it would be a good day to ride.

    I got her groomed and saddled up and me and this other lady where going out for a small trail ride.
    As soon as I got on her, she was tripping and not happy at all. And then one of the other horses spooked her.
    She got on her back legs and then bucked and took off like a bad out of hell, then she trips and falls, and of course I fall off too...
    Neither me or the horse was hurt... But it was sure scary...
    I got her back in the barn to check her out and tried to calm her down.
    So I'm thinking a trail ride will not happen today.
    So I'll just ride her in the ring. What a hassle to get her out of the barn, but finally I got her out and got on her.
    She wouldn't get in the ring and she was not cooperating at all... And I could only do so much.

    I finally gave up. And figured I'd give it a go again tomorrow, when the owner is there.

    So a small question, how long should you keep trying, when do you know when to give up?
    She just wouldn't give in, I tried with treats and I was nice and all...
    But a 1000lb horse is stronger than me.

    I just don't know what came over her.
    First time I rode her she was a dream, she made me look so good.
    Second time she was a bit harder, and then now this. We are obviously still getting to know each other... But damn

    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  4. Wow, I wake up and all the sudden all these posts :)
    Thanks all.
    I was our riding yesterday, and she was in such a pissy mood but it was all good:) It's definitely fun but hard work...

    I got such a good deal with this lease...
    The horse is a Mustang that is 6 years old 14.2 hands so not real big, but super sweet.
    She needed someone to be able to be with her pretty much 7 days a week.
    Somebody that could ride her and take care of her.
    And that is exactly what I was looking for.
    The best thing is she makes me look like a good rider:)

    They do have lessons there so if I want some I can get it.

    The owners told me I didn't need to buy anything in tack/saddle and all that good stuff, I just feel better if I can hve my own stuff, since she is kind of my horse but still not...
    See I'm rambling I'm so happy... Every Christmas since I was little I asked Santa for a horse, and finally...
    I think this will work out really good.

    Any way all I wanted to say was thanks for all the advice...
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  5. Ha ha, yeah I figured I went from one expensive sport to another...

    Thanks for the input though!

    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  6. Hey all,

    I was hoping that there might be some horse knowledgeable people out there...

    I just got myself a horse, or I'm leasing a horse full time, to learn more and all that good stuff before I go out and buy one...

    Now I'm wanting to buy my own saddle and man do they differ in price...

    You can get one for less than $200.00 and then some for over $3000.00

    I can understand that they will obviously differ in quality, but really that much???

    For a first saddle what would be a good amount to spend.
    The saddles I'm looking for are the Australian Saddles, since they are kind of in between the English and the western. And they seem really good, and I've red some reviews on them.
    I wont be jumping in the saddle it will be mostly trail rides and just getting better all together.

    I'm hoping someone here would have some input.

    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  7. Hey,

    We just got 4 kittens 3 weeks ago, and they will be ready for delivery in the middle of November so if you are interested and want pictures I can send you some when I get home.

    They are the sweeteste little things and they are allready playing with eachother, they have been handled since day one...

    So let me know if you are interested.
    I only have one rule, whoever gets a kitten from me, cannot declaw it.

    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  8. Thanks!

    She's not all that right now ;)

    She's got a really bad haircut.
    We tried to shave off some of that long hair since it's a million degrees out. But she wouldn't stand still for more then two seconds, so now she's all uneven, and pissed because she's not the prettiest on the block :ph34r:
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  9. Here's my angel....
    We have 5 more, but this is the only one i have picture of at work:)
    She moved here with me from Sweden so she's a well traveled cat

    She is the boss of the family, it's her way or the highway... :S
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  10. Sorry, but no sympathy here... :|
    If you didn't have time to stop you where driving to close to the lady.

    I hate it when people fucking has to be right up your ass.
    Back off or pass!
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  11. Hey,

    Colon reenlisted in the Army in December, right after his unit got mobilized. He then hurt his knee from all the running and training and shit.
    So he is just waiting for surgery for torn acl and some other shit in his knee, and then rehab and then we'll see what happens.

    So he is not seriously hurt or anything. :)
    Hope you'll enjoy your new rigB|
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  12. Hey there,

    He's actually home with me this week, and then he's going back to Fort Stuart GA...

    Staill waiting to get his knee fixed!

    I hope you got your shirts B|
    Ohh, and your rigs are almost ready!!

    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  13. Same thing happened to me once.
    I'm eating at KFC and this one homeless guy comes in and digs through the trash for food and drinks.
    Then he goes outside to eat the leftover food from the trash.
    I obviously feel really bad for him and I go and buy a decked out meal with a large drink.
    And go outside and give it to me.
    He says nope don't want it. But he wants me to buy his old newspapers.
    And I Say, no I will not give you any money, but I'll trade the food for a paper.

    So much for trying to be nice.
    Since then I'll just stick to the regular mean me.
    It works so much better!
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  14. Colon is driving home again tomorrow, thursday.
    So Katie please hide Mr drunkass Chuck's Phone and take the crown with him. ;)
    And I'll make sure colon turns his phone off

    I know it was all "eriks" fault he started feeding Chucky the Crown:P

    It was a funny night though!!! :D:D:D

    Have fun up north!
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  15. I must admit, that I had "forgotten" about the real world and what is really going on out there.
    After I seen this video, I started doing more research and I was just disgusted. At the way things are and the way we treat animals.

    I went through everything I had at home. Emptied my freezer no more animal products.
    Threw out all that was tested on animals.

    Went to the store to pick up animal friendly stuff.
    And let me tell you I felt so much better after doing that. Even though I had just "thrown" away a lot of money in shit that I already had at home.
    But at least now I can clean with a clean continence, I can wash my hair and brush my teeth and all that with a clean continence.

    I Just wish it wasn't so damn hard to find not tested products, and vegetarian foods.

    Where I live I have to go to a million stores to do my shopping now.
    But it's worth it.

    I'm hoping more people will do the same and choose friendly food and products.
    I'm not saying you have to go vegetarian.
    But choose meat from certified places....
    And maybe one day we'll all live in a better place!
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  16. Well, maybe to some it isn't.
    But to me it is... And that's my oppinion...

    A LOT of animals that are being hunted goes through a horror death because some hunters simply don't give a fuck, just look at the fox hunts in the UK, or the seal hunts in Norway, are you telling me that these people care about the animals that they simply slayer?

    If the hunting is for food or for survival, I beleive it's better then the slaughter houses...

    If you are a hunter, I'm sure hope you know what you are doing and that you ALWAYS kill instantly on the first shot... If not, well then it's cruelty and abuse of animals.
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  17. I Think the video should be shown.
    Especially for kids and young ones, they are the ones who has the power to do something, and they are the ones we need to form for the future since they are the ones who will rule it one day.
    IF there will even be a future...

    People need to see what is going on in the world...
    I think a lot of people "forget" and by that the problem goes away.
    People who abuses defenceless animals should die and treated the same way as they treat there animals.
    If there is one thing I can't stand it's animal abuse.

    Sure was is bad, but the humans invented war.
    Humas are bad, and I wish I didn't have to call my self one.

    Since I kind of have to I have to. I do what I can to tribute for things like this not to happen...

    Don't eat meat, don't buy any animal tested make up.
    Don't eat pills, and buy things that has not been taken or produced by slaughtering animals.
    There are so many ways to test things nowdays without having to kill animals.

    I don't agree with hunting, people say if we didn't hunt it would be over populated, well guess what the world is overpopulated by HUMANS... Do we go around killing humans and slaugtering humas because we are overpopulated? NO...
    Who are we do decide what is right or wrong?
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  18. Heja Sverige Heja Sverige..
    We will turn it around...
    Can't watch it, only listening to the radio, and it sucks....
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  19. Hey all,

    Thanks for all your advice.
    The class I'm taking is a 4 hour class with shooting.
    You will be shooting at least 50 rounds and they will teach you on the gun you have. They had a 10 hour class too, but that was for people without a gun and they where being tought all kinds of different guns.
    It seems like a very good class and the guy I talked to is a Cop, and he actually has the same gun I do as a back up.

    I don't plan on carrying the gun with me at all times, it's more for at home safety or if I'm driving through bad side of town, which happens occasionally when I get lost...
    Obviously I won't be leaving the gun in the car but if I have it with me it will be in my purse in my little case.

    I don't have kids, and at the moment I'm the only one at home so I'm the only one touching this gun.
    (no kids allowed in my house)
    I never quite understood why you would have a gun for protection and then keep the ammo locked up somewhere else.
    I mean if I get robbed or raped or what ever, I doubt that I would have time to grab the gun go find the ammo and load it and then protect my self.

    I plan on going to the range a lot to practice and get more and more good at it.

    So again, thanks all for your advice!

    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  20. So the gun I first bought was crap...
    Couldn't even fire 1 round...So I exchange it for a different one, a Kel-tech .380 got to shoot off a couple of rounds last evening...
    I couldn't believe how powerful it was...
    Such a tiny gun and it still threw me off...

    Anyway, the guy asked if I wanted protection ammo or range ammo.
    I told him, range since that is where I will be practicing.
    Now I wonder what is the difference???

    Next weekend I'm taking a gun course for concealed weapons license so I'm sure I will learn a bunch of stuff there.

    But I figured the more I can find out now the better right;) Maybe I'll be top of my class...

    So any info you guys can hook me up with the happier I will be:)

    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!

  21. Some girly gun...;) .380 something

    Going to get to the gun range and learn all about it.
    Only shot big rifles in the military before...
    Skydivers are a bunch of insensitive jerks...
    And that's why I don't skydive anymore!