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Posts posted by SkyPsycho

  1. dave, i remember you from x-keys and a msb party. i think last time i saw you was at a party at louies cabin a long while back. doug and the gang were there too. there will be a msb party for doug this summer, probably 2 days sure all dougs friends are welcome, its what he wanted.

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  2. i honestly dont think there will be any. his kids will spread his ashes in florida, he loved it down there.... he wanted tammy to have a midsummer nights ball this season with everyone there.

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  3. over the years ive met lots of jumpers. some you stay friends with and some you lose touch with. one i did stay long time good friends with, and never lost touch gave me my first shot at working at his dz. did my first demos into the fireworks on some 4th of july's with him. he could be a cranky old bastid, and id bust his balls about it. most of it was a front. now, im the type of guy that takes something and runs with it. he never heard the end of it from me the day he was climbing into the plane in front of me and i noticed he had stapled the spandex on his boc to his rig. "dont worry about it, its just got to last for this jump"...... im like, did you even unpack the main or take the damn pc out before you did that? or his old school camera helmet, which consisted of a motorcycle helmet, with what i think was a 16mm movie camera side mounted, and a huge 10 pound counter weight on the other side so he could hold his head straight. i remember going up in the loft and the line of t-10 rigs reminding me of when truman sparks slaps the rig and the dust comes off it saying "dont worry, i repack these babies every week"...... the huge blown up pic on his wall in his office with a bath tub in freefall for a commercial or something like that. (i still have to get a copy of that one) he always had an old school story to tell, most with some kind of carnage, cops, drugs, alcohol, women, nakedness, pissed off boyfriends with guns, goes on and on. he even eventually wrote a book with some of it in there. we would meet sometimes for dinner, or drinks, parties at our house or his, or sometimes just a random visit. i ended up moving out here just minutes away from his house and the dz that i first worked at. we got to see each other more, but never enough though. always plans to meet up, him or i would call each other and we would do the "yeah, i know, i was gonna call and then got busy and forgot". today i am numb writing this. after doing 4 years of almost constant chemo, every kind imaginable, longer than anyone ive ever heard of, and never really even bitching about it, he lost his battle yesterday. fly free old friend. BSBD Doug Angel.

    doug loved a good stiff drink....tomorrow i am stopping by to see tammy and have a few drinks with her. we are going to go through old pics. i made a couple posts with the same above on a couple facebook groups. one is oldschool skydivers, the other is skydivers who traded their parachutes for wings. please, if you knew doug, please....go there and share an old war story. he always had tons of them and his friends always had some about him.....i know i sure as hell do.

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  4. over the years ive met lots of jumpers. some you stay friends with and some you lose touch with. one i did stay long time good friends with, and never lost touch gave me my first shot at working at his dz. did my first demos into the fireworks on some 4th of july's with him. he could be a cranky old bastid, and id bust his balls about it. most of it was a front. now, im the type of guy that takes something and runs with it. he never heard the end of it from me the day he was climbing into the plane in front of me and i noticed he had stapled the spandex on his boc to his rig. "dont worry about it, its just got to last for this jump"...... im like, did you even unpack the main or take the damn pc out before you did that? or his old school camera helmet, which consisted of a motorcycle helmet, with what i think was a 16mm movie camera side mounted, and a huge 10 pound counter weight on the other side so he could hold his head straight. i remember going up in the loft and the line of t-10 rigs reminding me of when truman sparks slaps the rig and the dust comes off it saying "dont worry, i repack these babies every week"...... the huge blown up pic on his wall in his office with a bath tub in freefall for a commercial or something like that. (i still have to get a copy of that one) he always had an old school story to tell, most with some kind of carnage, cops, drugs, alcohol, women, nakedness, pissed off boyfriends with guns, goes on and on. he even eventually wrote a book with some of it in there. we would meet sometimes for dinner, or drinks, parties at our house or his, or sometimes just a random visit. i ended up moving out here just minutes away from his house and the dz that i first worked at. we got to see each other more, but never enough though. always plans to meet up, him or i would call each other and we would do the "yeah, i know, i was gonna call and then got busy and forgot". today i am numb writing this. after doing 4 years of almost constant chemo, every kind imaginable, longer than anyone ive ever heard of, and never really even bitching about it, he lost his battle yesterday. fly free old friend. BSBD Doug Angel.
    over the years ive met lots of jumpers. some you stay friends with and some you lose touch with. one i did stay long time good friends with, and never lost touch gave me my first shot at working at his dz. did my first demos into the fireworks on some 4th of july's with him. he could be a cranky old bastid, and id bust his balls about it. most of it was a front. now, im the type of guy that takes something and runs with it. he never heard the end of it from me the day he was climbing into the plane in front of me and i noticed he had stapled the spandex on his boc to his rig. "dont worry about it, its just got to last for this jump"...... im like, did you even unpack the main or take the damn pc out before you did that? or his old school camera helmet, which consisted of a motorcycle helmet, with what i think was a 16mm movie camera side mounted, and a huge counter weight on the other side so he could hold his head straight. i remember going up in the loft and the line of t-10 rigs reminding me of when truman sparks slaps the rig and the dust comes off it saying "dont worry, i repack these babies every week"...... the huge blown up pic on his wall in his office of a bath tub in freefall for a commercial or something like that. (i still have to get a copy of that one) he always had an old school story to tell, most with some kind of carnage, cops, drugs, alcohol, women, pissed off boyfriends with guns, goes on and on. he even eventually wrote a book with some of it in there. we would meet sometimes for dinner, or drinks, parties at our house or his, or sometimes just a random visit. i ended up moving out here just minutes away from his house and the dz that i first worked at. we got to see each other more, but never enough though. always plans to meet up, him or i would call each other and we would do the "yeah, i know, i was gonna call and then got busy and forgot". today i am numb writing this. after doing 4 years of almost constant chemo, every kind imaginable, longer than anyone ive ever heard of, and never really even bitching about it, he lost his battle at 2:28 pm on december 31st. BSBD Doug Angel.

    howard white, i hope you dont mind, ive seen that pic before, and some others. i am going to borrow it for a memorial page i am in the process of making for him. message me and ill pay you back for the pic use with the recipe for the cutaway......doug loved a good stiff drink....tomorrow i am stopping by to see tammy and have a few drinks with her. we are going to go through old pics. i made a couple posts with the same above on a couple facebook groups. one is oldschool skydivers, the other is skydivers who traded their parachutes for wings. please, if you knew doug, go there and share an old war story. he always had tons of them and his friends always had some about him.....i know i sure as hell do. i know im necro bumping an old thread, but i saw it on a search so i posted this here because i saw a few people who have been around him and skydive east.

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  5. thanks people......just hope i get my damn freebag sometime today, im down a rig and a packer for the weekend....i could use it.

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  6. did they decide to close early for the day today? been calling for 2 hours and all i get is the main menu saying all lines busy and no extentions answer except to leave messages. i need a tracking # dammit!!!!!!!!!!

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  7. Quote

    1.8-1.9 depending on beerloading...

    from the path to the loading are at the ranch to the end of the fence by the school at the ranch...

    no idea how far that is...

    Frost do you know how long that is?


    would that be freaky stylie or toilet seat stylie?

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  8. Quote

    Go downstairs and introduce yourself to Pauli. As soon as you tell him you're a jumper, you'll have two beers in hand and probably a shot on the way:P

    it probably dosent hurt to be able to pee your name either.............

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  9. Quote

    I've had 3 brent sights over the years. I will only every buy new sights from him. Anyone else lookiing for a good sight, get one from him.

    he sometimes also has seconds ( which look just fine, ya couldnt really even tell the difference)

    some years ago he sent me a couple, i picked what i wanted and sent the other back.

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  10. Quote

    I cannot spew beer on my beautiful flat burns a little when it comes out through the nose.:D:D:D

    damn that's funny shit right there...B|

    so umm....said video REALLY exist???:o

    ya, a friend came to the dz with his ex and said she wanted to go naked, so i woke up the new tm (22 jumps) that night with the chick and told him im breakin him in correctly tomorrow, hes takin her naked.

    ill see if i can upload a quick vid of some flappage somewhere, but not tonight.

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  11. Quote

    Are burn lines sexy?[:/] They'll turn into tan lines eventually!
    I was laying out in the sun topless, so no boobie tan lines...just a very funky bikini bottom burn line:$

    its about time. 8 pages and finally a smokin lil bod........thank you.......

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  12. Quote


    back loops dive exits et dont have anything to do with tandems

    bullshit! a well executed backloop exit is a very stable exit (depending on the aircraft) and will have your belly into the wind in an instant.

    i bet you're one of those tandem masters that sticks your bum in the cameramans face on exit?

    real good for the customers video!:S

    let the tm exit however he wants. the customer 99% of the time will not notice that their face isnt in the exit shot, and will still be excited if the exit shot looks good. also, if the tm only does poised exits and you dont like not being able to get a face shot, front float your exit and freefly with them till the drouge comes out and then go about your buisness as usual. theres alwas a solution.

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  13. Quote

    yeah I do the thing that marks said, I get my leg straps down a bit....then if I really want to crank a harness turn here is what I do

    initiate the turn with harness and apply even toggle strok about shoulder height it will speed up the turn a bit...



    another pointer from toilet seat dave. dude you look like yer takin a dump as your flying by your leg straps are so far down your legs.

    anyhow, nice distance ya been getting lately. good on you.

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

  14. we seem to have a gerbil problem at the dz. seems every night, someone forgets to remove the gerbil and it leaves a stink in the plane the next day.

    HK MP5SD.........silence is golden