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Gear Reviews posted by Tuatara

  1. I ordered my Pitt Special suit on the 17th of July, stating I needed it by the 1st of September - ie. within 6 weeks (the Tony Suits website quoting a production times of 4 weeks).

    Receiving little in the way of confirmation of my order, over the ensuing 6 weeks I emailed Tony Suits no less than 6 times, on 5 of those occasions either re-requesting an approximate delivery time and/or restating my need to have the suit within 6 weeks. Every time I received either no response or something vague and unrelated.

    Now, due to depart on my skydiving holiday in 3 days time I call Tony Suits today, after 6 weeks waiting, to be told my suit is "waiting to be cut". That is, I am unlikely to receive it any time soon, nor was I ever going to at any point in the process. In the time I could have arranged a suit from another supplier TS have been sitting on my order in full knowledge it would not be manufactured, let alone shipped in time for me. They seemed entirely dissinterested when I explained this to them.

    I have cancelled my order, to say I'm pi$$ed off is an understatement. I had hoped the other reviews complaining of poor customer service were isolated cases, I guess I am another example of this or their service really is as bad as made out.

    Buyer beware - they don't appear to give a toss about the customer.