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Posts posted by Pacific

  1. MisterCrash

    Hello guys,

    For several years I have been fighting depression. Skydiving has always been the one thing that got my spirits up and made me want to live again. But the last few weeks it seems I don't want to jump anymore. Each time I do, I land and I don't feel energized or happy anymore. The one thing I can still enjoy is high speed landings. The more dangerous stuff I do, the better I feel.

    I really have to restrain myself not to hurt myself or others. I need help to find another way to get positive in life again.

    Do any of you know ways I can fight depression other than pushing the limits of danger?

    Do you have a will? Make one.

    Sounds like you're full of shit. So shit or get off the pot.

  2. normiss

    As my criminal defense attorney friend says: "Only break as many laws as you can afford at one time."

    Sure it was cool to jump from, but did anyone truthfully understand and appreciate the legal risk being taken?
    I'm not saying I think the law is in the right, but bitching about bad laws after breaking them isn't the right approach IMO.

    I agree. These selfish punks are not victims. Now they're paying for it.

  3. promise5

    Anyone else deal with a person acting stalkerish online? I think I've asked this before. It's beyond creepy. I really don't know how to deal with it. They basically just kinda stalk me in forums, threads,etc. ok I'll admit I was pretty trusting and if someone ask me my username on a site I would tell them. No biggie I thought until this person started showing up in all of them making comments and then wanting me to know it was them. I was so thankful when it stopped the last time but Ugh, the person is back. I feel like saying "get a life" but last time I responded they seemed to become more and more obsessed.

    99% of forum members post anonymously. Why? You elected to post your picture and give out your screen name. Why?

    You value attention over privacy. You have a false sense of security. And you could totally knip this in the bud if you wanted to.

    So if you tell this person to "get lost", what other measures will you take to prevent something like this in the future? Perhaps I'm over reacting but it seems that some people volunteer for drama and bullshit in their lives.

  4. NWFlyer

    There seems to be an awful lot of people who really vehemently detest poor people. And they usually can't give any good reason for it. This has always baffled me. There are plenty of poor people who aren't detestable. Just because they have less money than you isn't a good reason. I may be poor someday myself, and wouldn't consider that a good reason for people to hate me.

    So why do you hate the poor?


    I guess I'll start:

    1. Lack of planned parenting.
    2. They can get a continuous chunk of my hard earned paycheck by merely just being "poor".

  5. Boogers

    I get annoyed when there is some special event going on that demands a boogie fee. And all I want to do is show up and make my normal jumps, and not participate in any of the boogie activities. I don't want the t-shirt, won't be sticking around for the evening meal or free beer. Can I just pay for my jumps like I always do? Oh no, we can't allow that. The end result is either I'm forced to spend money on a boogie fee from which I'll benefit nothing, or I'll have to go home and not get to jump. This sucks.

    I agree. I noticed that some DZs have hijacked holidays for their boogies. I get the holidays off of work like many, but I just want to jump. Don't care about the boogie stuff.

  6. Rover



    And why is he a dickhead

    Besides burning a site and vandalizing the gondola?

    And having gone to all that trouble only doing a 4 second freefall and then squealing like a girl the whole way down. :S

    I vote dickhead. Now his whuffo girlfriend knows he's gay.

    Some of the comments on the vid suggest he's in legal trouble now.

  7. normiss

    How about when your innocent brother is murdered by the state for a murder that he didn't commit?

    How about this raping murdering sicko who confesses and leads police to the boy's body?

    Did you want to spare his life? The boy's parents sure didn't