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Posts posted by jwalbright

  1. Victoria BC is as far removed from the main stream of Aircraft Manufacturing as any place can be? Isn't Boeing located just 2hrs south in Seattle. Don't get me wrong Victoria is a nice place except maybe the aquarium with their octopus show, but I would not think it's that far removed.
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  2. I checked out Blueridge while I was down there last weekend. It was awesome they helped me finish off my A card and I had a great time. Just some really great people over there and I am really looking forward to comming back in Oct. By that time I might be finishing off my B :)
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  3. Welcome, I'm pretty new but what I have learned or at least been told if you want some one to jump with then bring beer. Its amazing how many new friends you will have. Also just do cool stuff. For example last weekend there were a couple cutaways at the DZ, Bout the time the winds picked up and they shut down someone needed help looking for a canopy and freebag out in a field. I happened to have a cooler of beer and group of us went out to the field and searched. Got to know some cool people I hope to jump with once I am able too and even found all the dudes stuff and an extra freebag.
    So I guess my point is know that your new, know that you know nothing. Listen (but be aware of who your a listing too) bring beer, and be cool and I think you should be able to find a couple people to jump with and you might even get some free coaching for it if they know what they are doing.

    You wont be able to jump with any one other than an instructor until your licensed any way so spend that time chatting and getting to know the fun jumpers.

    Edited for spelling i before e except after c
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  4. Just visiting, Its where I grew up and I always time my trips to visit my family with the summer Dave Matthews tour. Its funny how that always works out. Also headed out to VA to see my sister so Might check out Skydive Orange or Blueridge as well. I kind of wanna jump out of a small cesna because I havent done that.
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  5. Could not finish up my A card today, Was kind of bummed but did talk to the progam people there and got a copy of my A card and then called the good folks at Start Skydiving in Middelton Ohio where I will be visiting next week. I should be able to finish up there. I guess my question is will I need two cases of beer. 1 for first time away from home DZ and next for geting my A card done. Should make me a popular person espically on a wed when I plan on going.
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  6. Oh well she stoped returning my texts, Live and learn on to the next gota love online dateing. I probably cant use the "hey lets go skydiving" bit again or at least will have to change drop zones because of the large ration of shit I will get if I keep using it lol.
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  7. I would guess unlikely, I am on call then. So there is a good chance I will have to work. Of course If your doing AFF 1 that day your going to be stuck in a class room all day. I plan on being around. If all goes to my "master plan"(insert evil laugh) I will be there this sunday all day doing a canopy class and then getting my last 3 jumps for my lincens the following weekend. If I do get a chance I can try to come out but like I said I am going to be on call that weekend and the weekend prior then I willl be on vacation in Ohio for 2 weeks to see Dave matthews and family, but mainly for the Dave shows.

    I want to get my lincens befor the trip because I want to check out the Ohio DZ and also VA Dz, Should be a fun trip. I am sure we will run into each other though. Lots of cool people out there

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  8. Yea I did 3 or 4 10 min coaching sessions with Derek P down there. He is great but most of the guys down there seem pretty good. I didnt need to do that much but I did mostly because I was still to heavy to sky dive and while I was loseing weight but I could still do the indoor stuff and it was hella fun so I kept doing that untill I could do it for real.
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  9. I would say they are top notch. Of course I really have nothing to compare it too but I felt prepared every jump as to what was expected of me, I had all my questions answered. Made it through my AFF in just 7 jumps but the tunnel helped out alot for that as well. I enjoyed it.
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  10. Lol, I wondered about that. I know at some point I mentioned these forums to her. I dont have anything bad to say about her lol.

    Whats next is a Zip line tour. Hope it goes better than it did for the boys of south park in last weeks episode.
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  11. Just an update, We had a second (was supposed to be tunnel stuff but she hurt her knee at the gym so we went to dave and busters instead) Was fun and plans for a 3rd. Seems like a nice young lady that has her crap together. I am looking forward to getting to know her better.
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  12. Awesome walt. I will be doing coach jumps this weekend. Both sat and sunday I am trying to get my license before the end of may. With the weather forcast I am going to try to get as many in as I can afford. I am doing my last solo then on to c4 and all that. I look forward to meeting you.
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  13. Sounds a lot like my first jump. I didn't even see the big damn arrow on the ground pointing out wind direction I just listened to the radio and would not pull the toggles past my shoulders. Just remember the things you wanted to do and try to do them the next time. If you forget again no problem there is always another jump. Great job on a stand up landing and successful jump.
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  14. Well we did have fun, she had a safe successful tandem, I had a safe successful AFF lvl 7 jump. I did get her the video. We watched on my laptop at the DZ and then went out for lunch and a beer run after. It didn’t go exactly as I thought because I thought we might get some time to chat and get to know while waiting to be manifested, but we ended up on the first load so we were pretty much on the Otter about 30min after arriving. Evedently annoying naturgurl http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4296038;#4296038. But we had a blast. I don’t know if a second date is in our future, we didn’t make any definite plans right then but I am hopefull. Now I have to figure out what to do for an encore. Probably just a nice dinner or something low key.

    Oh and I passed my level 7 hence the beer run :)[:/]:o:)

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  15. Thank you all for the advice, As for the dutch part it wasn't discussed but I gave her the info on how to make her own appointment and deposit and what not so Im pretty sure she has a clue. She made her appointment. So we should be good to go I did pretty well on aff6 today but decided to do 7 tomorrow since aff students get out right before the tandems. (I think) As for bait in the shark tank, Its only a first date If she wants to go for one of the "cool guys" instead of me then well I guess it was never ment to be. And it will be her loss :P I have the money on my account for an AFF7 video I thought about that just put it for her and when we get the video be like ok now we gota watch it if she eagerly agrees we can head back to my place if she gives me a strange look I will pull out my laptop and be like lets watch it.

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  16. Holly crap Walt, Thank you so much!!!! I have 5 gal of home brew in the fermenter now should be ready in 3-4 weeks. I will definiatly leave a case for you! Its a pete's summer wicked ale clone pretty tastey if it turns out.

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  17. So I was looking at a dating web site and one of the women had a bucket list on her profile and number 2 was go skydiving. So I figured what the hell and sent her a message “Hey I’m going skydiving this weekend your welcome to come. It would make a really good first date story and if it doesn’t work out you can tell the next guy he better make it good because you pushed the last guy out of an airplane.”
    Any way it worked were going Sunday. I’m going up Sat to do my AFF 6 and 7 jumps. If I understand correctly if I pass both then I should be able to jump on my own after that. I guess my question would be would I be able to exit at the same time as her with her TI or is that unlikely. It would be nice to see her face in free fall but I can under stand the hesitation of a TI letting me jump out at the same time. I know it will all probably depend on the TI and will defiantly have to ask just. I was curious if I could get an opinion here. Ideally if one of my AFFI on sat is also a TI I might ask him/her to be her TI for that jump that way I will have jumped with them before and thus increases the comfort level. Of course this is all contingent on me passing 6 and 7 tomorrow. I’m off to the tunnel to practice.
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