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Posts posted by lurch01

  1. Hey I'm wondering if you can shed a bit more light on the season pass, you guys keep it quiet on your website or I'm just shit at looking. What the price is for the 2013 season, can you pay installments, how many jumps someone would typically get in if they were there to jump their ass off, and how much per coach jump?
    Also do you guys have any caravans or accommodation available?


  2. Actually it may hav changed recently but its currently 169 p/w they put on your student loan if under 25 (so you have to pay it back) But 220 p/w FREE if over 25, no shit-free, I know because Im under 25 getting the 160 and my roomate on course was 26 and getting the free 220 a week! Cheers Mr Key :P

  3. Hey just wondering how much this reduces the battery life by having to have the screen on during recording? like could you compare to how many jumps you would get on a 110 or a 150 before battery dies?



  4. I've been following this thread lately and would like to quash some of the misconception out there. I was on the January Course also and thanks mainly to the direction of the new Chief Instructor am in my dream situation and happy vouch for the course

    Firstly the course is not pretending to be a 'sign up and wait for your camera slot and Tandem rating' sort of programme. For people with the right attitude and work ethic it absolutely wholeheartedly is a fastrack into the industry. You can claim that 'hanging at your local dz' amounts to the same but I personally went from 6 months ago having never skydived in my life to now filming and photographing tandems with only 150 jumps. Saying you can achieve the same result by being your local dzs bitch and waiting for an 'in' is a crock of shit, in New Zealand at least. That doesnt mean to say im not still doing all the bitch jobs also, but im doing so with a big smile on my face because the work is already paying off :)

    Also wondering why everyone is treating the idea of unpaid internship as some sinister new scam!?! Im not sure how it works in the States but I know here nurses have to have a year of unpaid sponge bathing saggy balls for an internship before starting to get paid for the pleasure, work placement is not a new concept everyone!

    Finally I'm not defending the what the school has been in the past by any means but can genuinely say Im in my absolute ideal situation right now which simply wouldn't have been possible without the school.

    Ask yourself, why would so many students be so ardently defending it if it was anything short of fucking awesome B|

    Lurchy McLurch