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Posts posted by roachgr

  1. I had PRK done in 2006 and I don't regret it. I had it done through the military. one week after i got it i was at 20/20. 1 month later i was at 20/15 and i have stayed there ever since. I have also noticed my night vision is waaaay better. I remember a few months after my surgery thinking to myself i could see so much better at night.

    I'll be the first to reiterate that if you do go the PRK route, you will be in pain IF you don't follow the care instructions. right after i got out of the laser room, they told me to take 2 percs and go to sleep. I was in no pain at the time and I thought i could handle it. Well I didnt feel anything the rest of the day and went to sleep. I woke up two hours later with the most pain I have ever been in. I dont know how to explain what it feels like for your eyes to be in that much pain but I wanted to rip my eyes out. So i took 2 percs and passed out after 30 minutes. woke up the next day like nothing happened. that was the only pain I had.

    The only reason everyone's doctor keeps pushing LASIK is because its cheaper than PRK anywhere you go and therefore that's the one that everyone gets and so its the only one that the doctor has a lot of experience doing. Go find someone with equal experience and see what they say instead.

    The pain was worth it.