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Posts posted by Canuck278

  1. Scientists have shown that, on average, small nurse sharks will, one tooth at a time, replace an entire front row of teeth every ten days or so in summer and every one to two months in winter when they are feeding less and their metabolism slows down. Not sure about Great whites although one would have to assume that given the predatory nature it would be prepared to lose and regrow teeth at a faster rate.

    Sperm whales are also known to attack Whites. But humans are the worst for sure on sharks, last stat i read was 10 million shark deaths to every one human they kill.

    And sorry rebecca, no star for Orca is a killer whale :P

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  2. Pope Heinous Steve IX

    I typed in canuck278 and it actually used steve, must be god at work...:S

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  3. Quote


    My new place in WA.

    Steve, you keep talking about this place, and yet, somehow, we haven't seen the party invitations yet...

    You think i am gonna let a bunch of skydivers in my house! :S:P

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  4. I was 21 when i joined. I joined because i was working 3 jobs and had no free time anymore...I was doing Public relations work for a big cell company, working security at maple leaf gardens and in the navy reserves. Decided that i liked the idea of the navy more than the other 2 and went for it. The travel was a big plus, and i was always interested in The navy as a kid, i was always putting model warships together and reading history books on WW2. Just seemed like the right choice.

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  5. most of the dives we did lasted about 25 min...warming up consisted of large amounts of alcohol later at night ;)

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  6. Quote


    He signed the papers.....he should have considered ALL anyone should when they make a long term commitment.....although I have some mixed feelings about parts of the Iraq campaign,I hope he spends a long time in the stockade


    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  7. Yes clay it was dead..well pretty sure it was. Usually they don't freeze up in the water....kinda would make ice fishing really boring ;) But we did leave it in the water just in case.

    Slurp, it was kind of a mix, work gave me the leave and paid for it....but i just wanted to do it anyway.

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  8. Quote

    Looks like fun to me;)

    What kind of drysuit do you prefer?

    That was a nice Bare suit, Trilam. Not sure yet about NEX-GEN...i like sommin a lil stronger and tear resistant.

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  9. Quote

    Ahh. Yes, indeed. Fishcicle.

    I have a really neat pic of the "fishcicle" i will post later, i have to wait for my dumbass friend to get back from work...he forgot to email it to me...more pics to come

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  10. Quote

    What's that bad sign pic all about?

    Cool pics - but you are insane. Still, I'd do it just to say I'd done it!

    Ummm...the fishie is dead...frozen like an ice cube....:S

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  11. i received an email from a friend of mine after he saw it in the theatre.......although even after reading it i am ashamed to admit i went and rented it on dvd a couple weeks ago...i want my 2 hours of life i wasted watching it back [:/]

    ps, this was the email....

    Hello all, if you're on this list it means i respect you, that being said, i
    hope i have a mild bit of respect on your behalf. that being said, i want
    you to know that i just got back from seeing The Villiage. I realize you
    all know that i'm opinionated and go against the grain at times, which is
    because the grain is for the mindless tools of the world, but either way,
    that movie is supposed to be scary and i am doing this for your benefit. it
    is my job to let you know the movie is... a. not scary b. fucking horrible
    c. thoughtless d. not worth 10 bucks, and finally e. it sucked cock, it was
    shit, that shamalwhatever the hell is getting rich off idiots like me who
    are too stupid to realize the only scary movie ever made is the piano, go
    ahead and see it but remember i called it, your friends who keep bugging you
    to see it are your enemy and they should take heed from your everlasting
    considerate friend,
    Dave J B
    ps - if you are upset by me expressing my opinion and feel i should keep my
    thoughts to myself go pay 12 - 15 bucks to go see it, then go home, look
    yourself in the mirror and say say five times out loud, "I'm A Fucking
    Idiot"...then you will feel the pain i have just endured.

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  12. Quote


    "Just because there is a goalie, it doesn't mean you can't score" ;)

    Outside of my boyfriend, guys have a better chance "scoring" with their own male friends than with me.

    Ncrowe ~ Baby, didn't you get my PMs?

    Doh, i was out at Snohomish yesterday and didn't even see this :S ouch! I'm going to go crawl back into my corner now and try not to be funny anymore :|

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  13. Quote




    in for vanillaskygirl and conundrum! ;)

    both taken.......your outta luck bro

    Don't sweat that man, its only a temporary setback.

    that's right! i don't call them 'boyfriends' i refer to them as 'obstacles' ;)

    "Just because there is a goalie, it doesn't mean you can't score" ;)

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  14. Quote

    Grrrrrrrrrrr...I am gona tear a strip off of you>:(

    you just gave me grief for spelling colour ..color...and yet you post this......

    "12. What is your nationality? Hungarian/British "


    I figured everyone else would be able to figure out my birth nationality from my name ;)

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.

  15. 1. Whats your name? Stephen

    2. How old are you? just turned 29

    3. Why did you decide to start jumping out of airplanes? i always wanted to fly

    4. Are you single or taken? Married? Single

    5. Do you have kids? No

    6. What do you drive? Mustang gt convertable & jeep wrangler

    7. Have you ever done a kisspass? No

    8. Where do you live? Washington state

    9. Do you have any pets? cat

    10. How many jumps do you have? 86

    11. What color eyes do you have? Green

    12. What is your nationality? Hungarian/British

    13. Have you ever dated someone you met off the internet? Yes

    14. Favorite Movie? super troopers

    15. What do you do when you arent skydiving? Work and scuba dive

    16. Have you ever BASE jumped? No

    17. If not... do you want to? Yes

    18. Do you have siblings? too many

    19. Where do you want to travel to the most? Hungary

    20. What's your favorite color? I can't answere this question because coloUr is spelled wrong ;)

    21. Where was the last place you flew to ( not skydiving )? Edmonton

    Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap.