Uno 618TS

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"UNO.618 TS" manufactured exactly at the same way and with the same fabrics as the UNO.618, two the differences :

1) For sure much COOLER than the Uno.618 and the Uno.618s

2) NO DRAG on arms and legs - For sure the best suit to Fly !!!

Maximum freedom and minimum wind resistance to move fast in the air


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
very well made out of durable materials
not great for jumping in cold weather

After putting some jumps on this suit I am still surprised at just how powerful it is!You really have to fly your body well as any bad habits will be exaggerated a bit.

Dealing with Tonflys customer service was awesome and the suit got here SO fast. The colors on the embroidery match my rig exactly and the construction of the suit exceeds my expectations.

When I first put the suit on it felt very tight. After one jump I could feel it starting to break in. The more I jump it, the better it feels. Like freefly skin....a different feeling than conventional suits I've flown.

This suit is great for jumping in the florida summer heat. I've taken it on bigway RW jumps, flown video, freefly, freestyle...I'm just blown away I can wear this suit for everything. Tonflys 618TS is like nothing I've ever flown before.Every jump I put on it makes me love it more =)

Anyone who is really serious about flying your body will appreciate Tonflys suits on many levels. Worth every penny! I would recommend them to anyone.

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