Spirit New

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Satchel "Spirit New" was developed in 2005 and is designed for use in a variety of sports parachute systems in the performance training and sports skydiving.

In the knapsack, "Spirit New" implemented technical solutions like increased stiffness of the side flap; mounting the camera of the main parachute container backpack vertically, which reduces the risk of twisting lines;
increased the length of the stiffness relief domes, prevents the spontaneous opening of valves;
reduce the height of a knapsack; "back" satchel is made of composite materials: shoulder girth - foam, base "back" - foam; the use of steel seals for securing the hose reserve parachute and Bowden and, finally, changing the length of the elastic pocket pilot chuteto. All this to ensure the security and safety of all skydiving.


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