
Tandem Skydiving Experience - really nervous!!

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I wonder if you are doing it at Skydive London (based at Redlands Airfield, Wanborough) as that is the only DZ in Swindon? What does it say on your booking form?

As for being nervous, no drama, there would be something wrong with you if you had no fear of the unknown. It is a huge challenge mentally chucking yourself out of a plane. That is why there is such a high afterwards, the achievement and the experience itself (which is amazing - under canopy flying with no engine noise or metal around you. Lovely).

My first jump was a tandem too. I was scared to death of flying and also I had raised a bucket load of cash for a charity. I had two motivations for doing it basically, be a saint and to face my fear head on. I knew I could not back out because of the cash so I almost found this peace within that I knew I was going to go through with it (even when I saw the Cessna with no door on it. Gulp). Because of this I felt there was no need to waste a huge amount of mental energy worrying the whole plane ride up making the whole experience quiet a serene and peaceful one maybe even a little surreal.

When I landed that was it...I had been well and truly bitten on the arse (and no not by my TI!). Thousands of pounds later and minus a few non-skydiving friends and lovers (skydiving messes with your lovelife - good thing hubby is joining you) I'm almost where I want to be in my first year.

Breath deeply on the way up - I still do now when I get the willies. Talk a lot too, hopefully you will get a bubbly TI (if it is Buzz ....well!), have faith in your instructor, they have lots of experinence. I felt very calmed and reassured by my tandem brief, talking about the kit and AAD's (fires your reserve if you are going too fast, too low), so even if you have a narcoleptic TI you should be fine....JOKE!

As a one off experience you will get nothing like it. You will enjoy it one way or another and as an anniversary present it certainly is one to tell the grandkids chick!

Hopefully see you in the New Year.

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Come to the U.S.

You'll jump from 13,000 feet, get both video and digital still photos, all for $295 on the weekend, $265 on a weekday. I know the UK is more pricey, but check around.

Ok I apparantely jump at one of the cheapest priced DZ's there must be. Lodi, CA - Bill Dause's Parachute Center. Tandem is $100 DVD is $50 or DVD + Stills for $75. Total is $150-175 for everything weekday or weekend.

This could be why I had 7 tandems in two months this summer. :ph34r:

I have since done three solo static line jumps and one free fall jump from a Cessna. But....the main parachute caught around my ankles on my FIRST SOLO FREEFALL and I had to chop it and ride the reserve into an "alternate" landing area. But, hey one jump, two chutes...LOL

Anyway, have fun and ask your Tandem Master if he will do flips with you. My first Tandem jump was three back flips out of the plane, then front flips, and finally after about 4 tandems (and my flip master not being there) and I did a straight out jump. I have to tell you....I WANT TO ALWAYS DO FLIPS!!!!

Have fun you will love it and start saving your money, because more than likely one or both of you are going to want to go back and back and back and back.
No Worries, You're Good!

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