
<<< Cold Smoke >>>

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Anyone know where to purchase different colors of cold smoke for heel attachment?? Are there any brans that last more than others??? I keep seeing so many people use it in their videos but have had ZERO luck finding it on the internet.

Thanks for any input.

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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I have to wonder just what IS <<< Cold Smoke >>> ??

There is 'Hot' Smoke, which is what some people call Military M-18's and the like.

There is what is called 'Cool' Smoke which comes out less hot, but usually less volume too than an M-18.

But for the record, how the smoke products most of us are familiar with work is...a chemical compound and a dye are heated to a point that they change to a 'vapor'.

Just a word of caution to someone wanting to jump smoke, if it requires an 'hot igniter' of some type, it burning!

Some burns cooler than others, some containers are designed better than others to retard the heat, and some chemical compounds can be manufactured to eliminate the hot slag that can burn a person or damage a canopy.

I have been somewhat working with Scott Bowlan to design a smoke product for the skydiving community that is cooler than what's currently available, has no slag emitted, has as large (cfpm) of a volume and burn time as is practical.

I believe that Scott understands our needs, he's putting together a product that's safe, reliable, shows well in the air and for a long enough period of time as well as being legal to ship, store and use without a pyro license...and doesn't cost an arm & a leg.

I think most everything is in place as far as the materials, manufacturing process, the legal hoops etc.

We should be seeing some production units in the very near future.

Until then, I might suggest doing what everyone else does, order from Para-Gear or look on the internet...(if you can't find it your not really looking)

Most importantly, you sound as though you have no smoke jumping expierence. I would strongly recommend that you get proper training in the use, storage, handling, deployment, emergency procedures etc. from a USPA rated professional demonstration jumper.

Just because it looks easy doesn't mean it is!;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I too have spoken with Scott and think he and his Corp are headen the right direction. If the volume stays high like an M-18 and temp stays cool like the "skydiver" smoke he may even change what the U.S. Military buys in the future.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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