
Rotator cuff - SLAP repair

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For all you who have undergone shoulder surgery...

Just got back from Stanford, my doctor told me that I need some surgery to repair torn rotator cuff (although I guess technically it's the labrum that is all cattywompus, not sure if that is technically part of the RC or not).

He basically said that he would decide what to do once he got in there, might be as simple as just suturing the tear, but another option might be to actually sever the biceps tendon and reattach that somewhere else along the labrum(!?) depending on how involved that tendon is with the tear.

Does anyone have experience with this type of surgery? What were your experiences with recovery time, etc. Any reduction in strength post recovery, etc.


What would Vic Mackey do?

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Yep, I had a Type 4 SLAP tear cleaned up and repaired arthroscopically in April 2004. The labrum is actually not part of the rotaor cuff. Here's a picture http://www.athleticadvisor.com/Injuries/UE/Shoulder/shoulder.htm

After being warned that I would have lots of pain, I had very little. I think I took two percocets then managed it with naproxen with absolutely no problems. I had the surgery in early April, started PT about 2-3 weeks later and was cleared from PT in early July. I had very little pain or discomfort, to the point where I had to be careful because it felt so good I'd forget (I'd put heavy bags of groceries in my left arm and then think "oh shit I'm not supposed to use this one yet").

Your mileage may vary.

Obviously I had to rebuild strength through PT, but I don't notice any difference between the shoulders now.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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