
Is this how one feels on a BASE jump?

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Last night I had this dream, it felt quite real though, and I can visualize every detail of it now.
I was on top of a radio tower, maybe 500 and maybe 1000 feet tall; midway it had a wider part, with all the antennas and dishes and stuff, so it looked unsafe to jump, but do-able if one jumps from a corner... I got myself to the top, it was so small I could barely stand there, the smallest wind could throw me off. The tower was in the sea, so in a sense it looked like an oil rig. I was freakin' TERRIFIED! Standing high up there, and knowing I was about to set myself free for a few seconds... Also feared that something might prevent me from launching perfectly or reaching for the pilot chute within a few seconds. But the horror was mixed with this exhiliaration (like during your first skydive, only much stronger!). But even more frightening was the option of climbing back down. Just didn't want to. The rush, the urge to do this jump became irresistible, heart started beating hundreds of beats per minute...
The jump itself was from another place - you know, the way dreams use to transform one into another...
When I woke up, I thought about it a lot. Guys, does this (kind of) describe how you feel on a jump? Cos if yes, I wanna BASE-jump!

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When making that first BASE jump you are going to experience one more sensation not in your dream, Deja Vu. . .

BASE 194

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This reminds me very much of my first BASE jump. Well, actually my third jump because I still consider it to be my "real" first BASE jump. The first two off of the span with thousands of spectators just didn't do it for me. Not to knock BD, because it's one hell of a time and a "must do" for anyone wanting to BASE.

After the bridge, I took a strong desire for BASE home with me. I've often heard that after BD, you either continue with a passion that consumes you, or you go back to skydiving and never BASE again.

Well it wasn't long after BD I found myself on top of a freestander at 2a.m.
It was much different this time. It was for real. Not that the previous two were not, but this one was scarry as shit. It was dark, I wasn't supposed to be on this tower, it was 320', the wind was stiff, there's no water or rescue boats below, and I had to be at work in 3 more hours.
I wish I could describe in this post how I felt on this, my first "real" BASE jump, but you hit most of it on the head.

It's about a whole lot of uncertainties. It's a chance to find out what you are made of. It goes well beyond that fear of heights, or roller coasters, or snakes. It's about tasting death and spitting it back out because you don't like the way it tastes.

No skydive you have ever made, or will make, can compete with it. BASE is the ultimate. I'm not "anti-skydive", just very "pro-BASE".

There's not really a good way to describe a BASE jump. It's one of those things you have to experience for yourself.

I have to ask this Frodo... your dream. After you awoke, were you laying in a wet spot? If not, you weren't dreaming about BASE.


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I've found myself waking up in that wet spot many times but I wasn't dreaming about BASE.

Frodo, don't think so much. Just get to it.


PS remember to wear a rig though.
PPS and to go on a first jump course.
PPPS and to seek a suitable mentor first.
pppps and hone your rigging skills
ppppps and (stomach strength permitting) get 150 skydives (no purple pants)
pppppps etc...

Good luck.


Prizes to anyone who gets to read my posts before Mr Aiello's son, Tom deletes them.

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I'm really impressed. That description sounds very much like my first cliff jump a couple of weeks ago.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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