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  • Upcoming Events

    • 26 July 2024 10:00 PM Until 17 August 2024 10:00 PM
      This summer boogie is already packed already with some pretty cool events!
      We will fly for you in Klatovy 27.7.-18.8.2024 every day.
      Just to taste a little bit of the mood, just imagine all the fun during these events:
      RW with Brian:
      Flocking with Pete Allum:
      RW sequentials camp
      and some more... F-WESC free fly camp
      Czech Made boogie Invitational and the Regular one
      Angelo´s 20way
      Patrick Passe 40way
      Dieter Kirsch 40way   For all and always updated events check
      For accommodation at site please contact [email protected] If you would like to have your event hosted in Klatovy, contact [email protected]
    • 30 July 2024 11:00 PM Until 31 July 2024 12:30 AM
      Live Zoom Sessions every week discussion skydiving safety! Tuesday at 6:00 pm EST Wednesday at 1:30 pm EST Thursday at 7:00 pm EST All sessions are recorded and available to members only. Just $25 per month gives you the keys to the castle. You can cancel at any time, but I am betting that you won't! Who am I? Author, Canopy Course Director (longer than anyone else), USPA S&TA, Parachute designer/manufacturer/test pilot for over 25 years, Hundreds of Educational videos on and YouTube, Thousands of AFF and Tandem jumps, Skydive Radio: "Safety First with Brian Germain", X-Games Champion, many many thousands of jumps, life coach and keynote speaker for many years.
    • 07 August 2024 10:00 PM Until 10 August 2024 10:00 PM
      All spectators welcome! incl. CZ CP Nationals, German CP Nationals, UK CP Nationals, Austrian CP Nationals
      Organization: Letecky Paraklub Klatovy, Jana Spevackova - [email protected]
      Meet Director: Christian Wuzi Wagner

      Registration: Please email [email protected] or register after arrival at Skydive Pink Klatovy Manifest. Registration ends on August 7, 4 pm. Please email your full Name and address. If you haven't competed in any Pink Open, please email us a reference contact or score sheet.
      Registration fee: (does not include jumps!): 150,-- €
      Protest fee: 50,-- Euro

      check for more info
      Weniger anzeigen
    • 16 August 2024 Until 18 August 2024
      Our program focuses on training the coach as well as evaluating you for the rating. Our course is the most thorough “modern” & relevant coach-training program. NOBODY DOES IT BETTER!  The USPA/SDU Coach course provides you with all the fundamentals to begin Coaching or Instructional ratings.  The course covers teaching methodology, psychology, skill analysis, problem-solving, supervision and provides a curriculum to train students for the A license requirements and group skydiving. 
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