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Performance Designs Announces New Valkyrie Canopy

By adminon - Read 13178 times

Over the past several weeks Performance Designs have been dropping hints about their latest product, with a cryptic advertisment in Parachutist magazine at the end of September, that had a few readers scratching their heads and trying to establish what exactly PD were advertising. Clearly the marketing tactic worked, as interest grew about just what it was about. One community member, "Zlew" - suggested that the advert may be about a product with the name "Valkyrie", based off the design and the style of the 'V' that was present in the image.

Today Performance Designs have confirmed this suspicion, with the public announcement of their this new canopy, the Valkyrie. The Valkyrie is a mean little 7-cell design with inflatable stabilizers/wingtips, and is quite similar to the Peregrine in both look and planform. It's a freefall canopy with focus on quality openings at terminal speeds.

- Zero-Porosity material.

- Standard configuration: Collapsible drawstring slider and 500 Orange Vectran, optional RDS and 300 Orange Vectran (for competitive/subterminal use)

- Sizes: The Valkyrie

We spoke to Performance Designs about the Valkyrie, and they addressed some of the questions one may have about the company's new canopy.

Q: Who is this canopy for?

A: This canopy is far more responsive than a Velocity or Comp Velocity, and not lacking in power or speed. It was designed for expert skydivers who are experienced and highly competent on high performance, cross braced canopies.

If you are very proficient jumping a Velocity or Comp Velocity and want to take it to the next level, this is the canopy for you.

"The openings are amazing. Best opening canopy I can recall jumping. Never once got it to open hard no matter what I tried (freefly to a quick pull, tracking hard to a pull, etc)." - Ian Drennan,PDFT

Q: How are the openings?

A: This canopy opens like a dream. Even though it is extremely responsive to input, you will find the openings to be smooth, well-staged and with less tendency to search for a heading during inflation.

Q: How are the flight characteristics?

A: The Valkyrie is more responsive on all controls. The flare and stopping power of this canopy is incredible, and it also has great glide capabilities. All around, this canopy is awesome to fly. But don't take our word for it.

Q: When can I get one?

A: We will be accepting orders from PD's Authorized Dealers on December 1, 2014. Standard crossbraced production time will apply to the Valkyrie. These lead times are posted on the performancedesigns.com home page.

Q: How do I buy one?

A: The Valkyrie will be sold through PD's Authorized dealer network.
Interested customers should contact their local dealer to discuss if this canopy is right for them, and should be prepared to demonstrate expert canopy pilot skills and/or provide references. Potential pilots should be highly competent on a more traditional crossbraced canopy, prior to considering a Valkyrie.

"The Valkyrie is a carving machine! You get so much more lift, control, and smooth flight when carving a swoop, than with a Velocity. The toggles are more responsive, and flare a lot more powerful." - Alejandro Ramos, Tribu Freefly

Q: When will stock canopies be available?

A: We are planning on producing stock canopies by early February 2015, but are anticipating heavy demand for this stock. The best way to assure a quick and efficient Valkyrie delivery will be to place your order in early December 2014.

"The feedback we have been getting on this new product is incredibly positive, with regards to openings, flight characteristics and performance.
We are very excited to make the Valkyrie available to everyone (*with the required experience)."

Comp Velocity

With the ever growing trend of people using the Comp Velocity for every day purposes, we have decided to make changes that will make it readily available for non-competition use.

Introductory Retail Price: $3200

Additional for RDS: $250 (instead of standard slider/subterminal use)

The standard configuration of the Comp Velocity will include a collapsible drawstring slider, instead of the RDS, and 500 size lines.
This will also cause a price adjustment for this product.

Retail Price: $3050

Additional cost for RDS:$250 (instead of collapsible drawstring slider/subterminal use)

"We have also included a number of additional line options for the Comp Velocity. The new order form will offer 300 or 500 Orange Vectran, 500 or 700 HMA, 500 or 750 Vectran. Current stock will remain with 300 Orange Vectran and RDS. We will begin to include the collapsible drawstring slider & 500 line configuration on our stock Comp Velocities in the near future.
We anticipate these pricing, stock and order form changes to occur on or around December 2014."



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User Feedback

Looks great, sounds great, but darn these things are getting fast.

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