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Everything posted by dsbbreck

  1. If the price was reasonable and the talent of the competitors was exceptional, would you pay to watch a swoop competition. What do you think a fair price for a 3 day event would be? David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  2. If a swoop competition had up to 50 competitors, and there wasn't time for all the competitors to do all of the events, from a SPECTATORS stand point, what events would you like to see included. Please limit your responses to 3 events. The point of the post is to see which events are most interesting to watch. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  3. I booked a room there. $62.70 a night skydiver rate. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  4. Actually 4 nights make it $60. I have a rental car, how far is it? David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  5. I went with a ticket to Orlando after all. Question on Hotels in Lake Wales. I found a Super 8 in Winter Haven for $50 a night. Is it nice or a dump? Anyone know? The Super 8 in Lake Wales is $65 a night. Any info on it? David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  6. Last time I looked they were about $50 cheaper. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  7. Would Tampa be much worse? I found tickets to Tampa are cheaper, at least from Denver. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  8. Main side - Inside Reserve side - Rear Float. Student outside facing the prop with hips against the fuselage. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  9. I used to own the Worst Case scenario book. I read this one about what to do if you parachute doesn't opened and about freaked. If this one is so off base, how good are the other suggestions. Then they came out with the TV show where they demonstrated each scenario. I was just waiting for them to try the parachute one. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  10. 1650.973 km David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  11. 29 Seconds David David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  12. The problem with that is as an employee they would be required to have workman's comp insurance but to my knowledge you can't get workman's comp insurance for skydiving. If you can, it would be extremely expensive. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  13. Dropzones don't need your loyalty because there are always hundreds of more instructors just waiting to work. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  14. The reality is that in any industry you probably would not be hired back there again unless you were really needed. Shortage of Instructors You came to company B because company A closed. You go back to Company A when it reopens. If A closes again, why would B take you back knowing full well that you'll leave again if A reopens. Do your best to leave on good terms, but don't expect anything if you want to come back again. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  15. Yeah, I never take photos that anyone would want. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  16. There needs to be a way for someone to ask a question in the forums and be anonomous. This industry is so political that sometimes you want to ask a question but are afraid to because it may alienate you from people or a dropzone. I understand the problems of people posting anonomously all the time, but maybe there should be a way to just post the 1st post anonomously. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  17. If you want to sell you're product, you have to advertise. If it's working for PD, why not. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  18. Maybe they should spend more money on sponsorship of the best swoopers then. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  19. That is an excellant question. I have to admit that you made me think. Why do I want it? It's a goal I've set for myself. Something to work for. It's been that one thing that I've really had to work hard for. Everything else just came easy. It's a badge of honor, sure. I can compete along side the Pros in certain competitions now, but I'd like to compete in all of them. But the real reason I'm so HELL BENT on getting it, is because EVERY YEAR THEY CHANGE THE RULES ON HOW TO GET IT!!!!!!!!!! David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  20. I don't really care about the regional competitions, because they really don't matter. You only have to compete in 3 to go to the championships. It doesn't matter the outcome of those. But at the finals, I'm still waiting to hear whether the 4th - 15th finishers from last year will be made to run 5 footers. If it means I'm able to run the pro/ams this year to get my Pro card I'm for it. Are there going to be any Pro/am's this year. Is there a PST schedule yet? David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  21. In another forum a question arose about HMA and RDS on non crossbraced canopies. I'm interested in the opinion of the community. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  22. My point was that the heavier guys could have more total weight under their canopies. Even though the lighter guys can wear more weight, the heavier you are naturally, the heavier you can possibly be under the same wing. If you want to go slower, just upsize a canopy. Of course I could get a smaller canopy to go faster, but not necessarily farther. I usually wear 25 lbs in competition. Now I can only wear 21. That's not a huge difference, so I'm not really complaining. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  23. You're lucky. You get natural added wingloading that someone like me at 170 can't get. You have the advantage, so don't complain. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  24. Here's a better one. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."
  25. Hey, that green canopy behind you in the 4th photo of the series is me. Sorry about screwing up your shot. David "Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."